Releases: GuruUpdesh/taskly
Releases · GuruUpdesh/taskly
This alpha release marks a significant milestone in the project and presents a functional product with a significant feature set.
New Features & Enhancements
Invitation & Team Management
- Introduced an invite page, enabling users to invite others to teams or projects.
- Designed a seamless flow for joining a team, including generating and handling hashed invite links.
- Implemented functionality for users accepting an invitation and being added to their respective projects.
- Established a database table linking users with projects for better organization.
Project & Task Management
- Added a database link between projects and tasks, ensuring queries pull relevant tasks only.
- Introduced a global task search with keyboard shortcuts.
- Developed an advanced text editor for customizing task descriptions.
- A points system to signify task difficulty.
- Implemented drag and drop functionality for the Kanban board.
- Improved backlog with UX enhancements and real-time collaboration feature.
- Added user roles and permissions, along with a settings UI for project and task management customizations.
Integration & Collaboration
- Integrated webhooks with our authentication provider, enhancing internal processes.
- Investigated real-time features to support collaboration and implemented a proof of concept.
- Added GitHub integration for sign-in and project management, including automatic task status updates based on PR status.
UI/UX Improvements
- Redesigned major page layouts including the inbox, dashboard, documentation, settings, and more.
- Overhauled database schema for better data management and introduced a staging database for pre-production testing.
- Enhanced navigation with RESTful routing, functional breadcrumbs, and a redesigned settings page for an improved user experience.
- Made the app responsive to different screen sizes and improved the overall aesthetic and usability of the platform.
Notifications & Comments
- Continued development of the notifications system, tying notifications to tasks with database relationships.
- Designed and implemented an inbox for managing notifications and integrated user comments on tasks for better collaboration.
Miscellaneous Enhancements
- Addressed stability issues with authentication, fixing sign-up and sign-in processes.
- Improved error handling, added toast components, and fixed various bugs for a smoother user experience.
- Implemented auto-completion for tasks using AI, debugging and fixing issues with invite link generation.
- Redefined project structure and patterns for better developer experience and refined server-side file structure.
Fixes & Optimization
- Addressed performance issues, enhancing stability and responsiveness across the board.
- Fixed various bugs including project deletion notifications, dashboard UI, comments display, and more.
- Improved footer, updated project theming, and added new functionalities like HEX color selector and AI image generation redo option.
What's Changed
- changed package.json v to 0.0.1 by @GuruUpdesh in #2
- update readme by @cameronhollis4 in #3
- Update by @sankanay in #6
- Updated by @vitalysmnv in #7
- Add CRUD for projects by @cameronhollis4 in #8
- added local db by @GuruUpdesh in #15
- added basic home page, with grid, glow animation, description, tags, … by @GuruUpdesh in #18
- sample react-email through resend by @GuruUpdesh in #16
- added basic clerk integration for auth by @GuruUpdesh in #22
- added vercel cron, added api route, upgraded to resend v2, fixed hydr… by @GuruUpdesh in #21
- Ai v2 by @sankanay in #24
- Tasklypm 20 code cleanup by @GuruUpdesh in #25
- Taskly nav branch by @cameronhollis4 in #26
- added projects list to navbar by @cameronhollis4 in #28
- Project form branch by @cameronhollis4 in #29
- Tasklypm 21 improve backlog by @GuruUpdesh in #30
- added dynamic project page by @GuruUpdesh in #31
- Implement Light/Dark Mode by @sankanay in #27
- Guruupdeshsingh/462 12 improve page layouts by @GuruUpdesh in #35
- Guruupdeshsingh/462 45 dashboard layout by @GuruUpdesh in #37
- Guruupdeshsingh/462 46 inbox layout by @GuruUpdesh in #36
- split style commands by @GuruUpdesh in #40
- Guruupdeshsingh/462 59 improve gh actions by @GuruUpdesh in #42
- Guruupdeshsingh/462 59 improve gh actions by @GuruUpdesh in #43
- Guruupdeshsingh/462 59 improve gh actions by @GuruUpdesh in #44
- Guruupdeshsingh/462 59 improve gh actions test4 by @GuruUpdesh in #48
- Create user info entity and integrate with clerk by @GuruUpdesh in #49
- Added link to Docs in Sidebar by @GuruUpdesh in #38
- added task link to projects by @cameronhollis4 in #50
- Guruupdeshsingh/462 41 settings layout by @GuruUpdesh in #39
- Implement Inviting Users to a Project/Team by @sankanay in #51
- Sankanay/462 54 handling accepted invitations by @sankanay in #52
- project creation and app redirection by @GuruUpdesh in #53
- Guruupdeshsingh/462 61 edit task hotfix by @GuruUpdesh in #55
- Hollisca/462 49 project crud apis by @cameronhollis4 in #54
- Guruupdeshsingh/462 38 improve home page with dynamic and thoughtful content by @GuruUpdesh in #56
- fixed signup by @GuruUpdesh in #57
- fixed sign-in by @GuruUpdesh in #58
- added proper error handling by @cameronhollis4 in #59
- fixed project dropdown search by @cameronhollis4 in #60
- Guruupdeshsingh/462 68 implement breadcrumbs by @GuruUpdesh in #61
- Refactor Invite Functionality by @sankanay in #62
- Update Account Creation Flow by @sankanay in #64
- Hollisca/462 47 task crud apis by @cameronhollis4 in #65
- Successfully delete a project by @sankanay in #66
- added workflow for staging deployment by @GuruUpdesh in #68
- Guruupdeshsingh/462 43 backlog layout by @GuruUpdesh in #63
- Delete All Users from Project when Deleted by @sankanay in #69
- implemented security check on project get by @GuruUpdesh in #70
- add redirect when project not found by @cameronhollis4 in #71
- Guruupdeshsingh/462 40 task page layout by @GuruUpdesh in #72
- added basic board layout by @GuruUpdesh in #73
- Implement AI Task Completion Feature by @sankanay in #77
- Hollisca/462 30 create user roles by @cameronhollis4 in #74
- Guruupdeshsingh/462 31 refactor current components by @GuruUpdesh in #75
- added user button and profile in settings by @GuruUpdesh in #76
- added projects settings page by @cameronhollis4 in #78
- Sankanay/462 34 design and implement kanban board by @GuruUpdesh in #80
- Guruupdeshsingh/462 85 task ordering by @GuruUpdesh in #81
- Sankanay/462 81 is still present in invite link by @GuruUpdesh in #79
- Guruupdeshsingh/462 89 add ai images for projects by @GuruUpdesh in #82
- Hollisca/462 84 install turborepo by @cameronhollis4 in #83
- updated bg image for onbaording layout and removed current projects f… by @GuruUpdesh in #84
- Sankanay/462 37 sprint integration by @GuruUpdesh in #85
- removed email page by @GuruUpdesh in #88
- swapped user menu on landing page with new one by @GuruUpdesh in #87
- added links to items in menu by @GuruUpdesh in #86
- Allow users to leave a project by ...