An open source project to customize your own Large Language Model, designed for modifying and learning easily to against current terrible ambiance which the code is complex and opaque. The most teams always only release the inference code, without pretraining code. Such as, Openai and Meta-Llama.
If possible, the models of Computer Vision and Multi-modal will be added, too.
- powerful and diverse dataloader implementation with multi-processes and multi-threads, such as
to process multi-files under a certain folder.
The projects under the module dlx.test
You can also have a quick experience by run
torchrun --nproc_per_node 1 experiments/llama3/
- add another method for file_segments_dataloader to generate sample list.
- add helpful function for tensorboard-style summary writer
- analyze the reason of low GPU utilizing
- analyze the situation and the modifying necessity of err
list index out of range
- study the argument
of Llama3, why it will influence the success of model building - add support of AMP
- rethink the variable
and try using it to resolvelist index out of range
- resolve the problem of process exiting failed
- modify the file_segments_dataloader with a start switch, not an automatical start after initializing
- add cpu support for debugging purpose