Pokemon multi cheat plugin v1.0.1
This is a cheatplugin for Pokemon X/Y/OR/AS wich combines multiple cheats. Its based on KazoWARs Pokemon Randomize plugin and 44670s cheat Menu demo.
This version fixes a shiny cheat bug (thanks to MrNbaYoh)
For a full how to use read the README
The Cheats
- Wild encounter modifier
- Species
- Random/by item count
- always shiny (thanks to MrNbaYoh)
- Variation
- Random/by item count
- Level
- Random/by item count
- Update dexnav
- Species
- Item modifier
- Item type
- Item count
- Battle modifier(thanks to MrNbaYoh)
- Unlimited HP
- Unlimited PP
- 100% catch rate
The Beta Cheats
- Get all Items(x999)
- infinit repel (ORAS only?)
- Max money
- Unlimited opower(ORAS only)