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HaukeBartsch edited this page Jul 13, 2012 · 6 revisions

A multi-planar reconstruction is a way to display volumetric data by means of a series of three images. Each image is a view into the volume from a given orientation and location. The images are linked by a cross-hair that indicates the location of the other two images relative to the current image.

Example Image showing MPR display from example 2

use case

Identify a feature on the first image, click with the mouse at that location which moves the cross-hair. The other two linked images now show the same location from two orthogonal orientations.


The module is written in JavaScript which is required on the client. The image data needs to be provided as a (flat) directory with jpg files. Files need to be named according to the slice orientation they represent: COR_???.jpg, SAG_???.jpg, HOR_???.jpg.

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