This part covers calendars and dates and times.
The documentation is divided into the following parts, mimicking Unicode's documentation:
- Part 1: Core (languages, locales, basic structure)
- Part 2: General (display names & transforms, etc.)
- Part 3: Numbers (number & currency formatting)
- Part 4: Dates (date, time, time zone formatting)
- Part 5: Collation (sorting, searching, grouping)
- Part 6: Supplemental (supplemental data)
Calendars are represented by a Calendar instance, they can be accessed as arrays and also provide magic properties to rapidly access days, eras, months, and quarters:
use ICanBoogie\CLDR\Dates\CalendarId;
* @var \ICanBoogie\CLDR\Core\Locale $locale
$calendar = $locale->calendar_for(CalendarId::GREGORIAN);
# or
$calendar = $locale->calendar; // because the gregorian is the default one for this locale
# or
# or
This works with days, eras, months, quarters and the following widths: abbreviated
, narrow
, and wide
. Here are some examples:
* @var \ICanBoogie\CLDR\Dates\Calendar $calendar
From a calendar you can obtain formatters for dates and times.
The following example demonstrates how the dates and times formatters can be accessed and used.
* @var ICanBoogie\CLDR\Repository $repository
$datetime = '2018-11-24 20:12:22 UTC';
$calendar = $repository->locale_for('fr')->calendar;
echo $calendar['days']['format']['wide']['sun']; // dimanche
echo $calendar->wide_days['sun']; // dimanche
echo $calendar->format_datetime($datetime, 'full'); // samedi 24 novembre 2018 20:12:22 UTC
echo $calendar->format_date($datetime, 'long'); // 24 novembre 2018
echo $calendar->format_time($datetime, 'long'); // 20:12:22 UTC
# or
echo $calendar->datetime_formatter->format($datetime, 'full'); // samedi 24 novembre 2018 20:12:22 UTC
echo $calendar->date_formatter->format($datetime, 'long'); // 24 novembre 2018
echo $calendar->time_formatter->format($datetime, 'long'); // 20:12:22 UTC
Calendars provide a formatter for dates and times. A width, a skeleton or a pattern can be
used for the formatting. The datetime can be specified as an Unix timestamp, a string or a
use ICanBoogie\CLDR\Dates\DateTimeFormatId;
* @var \ICanBoogie\CLDR\Dates\Calendar $calendar
$datetime = '2013-11-02 22:23:45 UTC';
$format = $calendar->datetime_formatter->format(...);
echo $format($datetime, "MMM d, y"); // November 2, 2013
echo $format($datetime, "MMM d, y 'at' hh:mm:ss a"); // November 2, 2013 at 10:23:45 PM
echo $format($datetime, $formatter::WIDHT_FULL); // Saturday, November 2, 2013 at 10:23:45 PM UTC
echo $format($datetime, $formatter::WIDHT_LONG); // November 2, 2013 at 10:23:45 PM UTC
echo $format($datetime, $formatter::WIDHT_MEDIUM); // Nov 2, 2013, 10:23:45 PM
echo $format($datetime, $formatter::WIDHT_SHORT); // 11/2/13, 10:23 PM
echo $format($datetime, DateTimeFormatId::from('Ehm')); // Sat 10:23 PM
Calendars provide a formatter for dates. A width or a pattern is used for the formatting.
use ICanBoogie\CLDR\Dates\DateTimeFormatId;use ICanBoogie\CLDR\Dates\DateTimeFormatLength;
* @var \ICanBoogie\CLDR\Dates\Calendar $calendar
$datetime = '2013-11-04 20:21:22 UTC';
$calendar->format_datetime($datetime, DateTimeFormatLength::FULL);
// Monday, November 4, 2013 at 8:21:22 PM UTC
$calendar->format_datetime($datetime, DateTimeFormatLength::LONG);
// November 4, 2013 at 8:21:22 PM UTC
$calendar->format_datetime($datetime, DateTimeFormatLength::MEDIUM);
// Nov 4, 2013, 8:21:22 PM
$calendar->format_datetime($datetime, DateTimeFormatLength::SHORT);
// 11/4/13, 8:21 PM
$calendar->format_datetime($datetime, DateTimeFormatId::from('yMMMEd'));
// Mon, Nov 4, 2013
Alternatively, use can use a DateTimeFormatter instance:
use ICanBoogie\CLDR\Dates\DateTimeFormatLength;
* @var \ICanBoogie\CLDR\Dates\Calendar $calendar
$datetime = '2013-11-05 21:22:23';
$format = $calendar->datetime_formatter->format(...);
$format($datetime, DateTimeFormatLength::FULL);
// Tuesday, November 5, 2013
$format($datetime, DateTimeFormatLength::LONG);
// November 5, 2013
$format($datetime, DateTimeFormatLength::MEDIUM);
// Nov 5, 2013
$format($datetime, DateTimeFormatLength::SHORT);
// 11/5/13
Calendars provide a formatter for times. A width or a pattern is used for the formatting.
use ICanBoogie\CLDR\Dates\DateTimeFormatLength;
* @var \ICanBoogie\CLDR\Dates\Calendar $calendar
$datetime = '2013-11-05 21:22:23 UTC';
echo $calendar->format_time($datetime, DateTimeFormatLength::FULL);
// 9:22:23 PM UTC
echo $calendar->format_time($datetime, DateTimeFormatLength::LONG);
// 9:22:23 PM UTC
echo $calendar->format_time($datetime, DateTimeFormatLength::MEDIUM);
// 9:22:23 PM
echo $calendar->format_time($datetime, DateTimeFormatLength::SHORT);
// 9:22 PM
Alternatively, you can use a TimeFormatter instance:
use ICanBoogie\CLDR\Dates\DateTimeFormatLength;
* @var \ICanBoogie\CLDR\Dates\Calendar $calendar
$datetime = '2013-11-05 21:22:23 UTC';
$format = $calendar->time_formatter->format(...);
echo $format($datetime, DateTimeFormatLength::FULL);
// 9:22:23 PM UTC
can be localized by wrapping them inside a LocalizedDateTime instance, or by using
the localize
method of the desired locale:
use ICanBoogie\CLDR\Dates\LocalizedDateTime;
* @var ICanBoogie\CLDR\Repository $repository
$locale = $repository->locale_for('fr');
$ldt = new LocalizedDateTime(new \DateTime('2013-11-04 20:21:22 UTC'), $locale);
echo $ldt->as_full; // lundi 4 novembre 2013 à 20:21:22 UTC
# or
echo $ldt->format_as_full(); // lundi 4 novembre 2013 à 20:21:22 UTC
echo $ldt->as_long; // 4 novembre 2013 à 20:21:22 UTC
echo $ldt->as_medium; // 4 nov. 2013 20:21:22
echo $ldt->as_short; // 04/11/2013 20:21