This project is an Emotion Detection System implemented in Python. It uses computer vision and deep learning techniques to detect and classify emotions in real-time from webcam feed.
- Real-time emotion detection from webcam feed
- User interface for starting emotion detection sessions
- Emotion frequency visualization
- Saving emotion detection results for individual users
Main Application (
- Implements a simple graphical user interface using tkinter
- Allows users to enter their name and start an emotion detection session
Emotion Detection (
- Loads a pre-trained convolutional neural network model
- Performs real-time face detection and emotion classification
Emotion Detection Session (
- Manages the emotion detection process
- Handles webcam feed and user interactions during the session
- Saves emotion frequency graphs for individual users
Graph Visualization (
- Provides functionality to display emotion frequency graphs
Model Training (
- Defines and trains the convolutional neural network for emotion detection
- Uses image data generators for efficient training
- Saves the trained model weights
- Python 3.x
- OpenCV
- TensorFlow
- Tkinter
- Matplotlib
- NumPy