Copyright (C) 2013 ImpressiveCode (
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Plugin need Java 7 or higher to work. Source crawler can be used as a maven plugin or as a standalone application.In plugin directory invoke following command:
mvn clean install
When plugin is installed in local repository, we can use it in own project by. Just only add it to pom file.
Now we can use scan goal in project by follow command:
mvn org.impressivecode.utils.sourcecrawler:ic-utils-sourcecrawler:1.0.0:scann
Plugin generate output file source crawler.xml in root directory of project.
In directory which contains plugins jar invoke followed command:
java -jar ic-utils-sourcecrawler-1.0.0-snapshot.jar -i ./dir/to/scan -o ./dir/output.xml
Mandatory flag is -i (--input). This flag shows where start scanning project's files. Optional flag is -o (--output) which shows where to save output in xml.
Sample output xml file: