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[Test] [Builtins] Fix exponentiality of generators (#5738)
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effectfully authored Jan 26, 2024
1 parent e3de827 commit 0c72941
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Showing 8 changed files with 386 additions and 252 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions plutus-core/plutus-core.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -711,6 +711,7 @@ library plutus-core-testlib
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42 changes: 33 additions & 9 deletions plutus-core/plutus-core/test/Generators/QuickCheck/Utils.hs
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module Generators.QuickCheck.Utils where

import PlutusPrelude

import PlutusCore.Data
import PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck.Builtin
import PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck.Utils

import Data.Coerce
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck

-- | Test that both 'multiSplit1' and 'multiSplit' produce a list such that 'concat'ing it gives
-- | Test that both 'multiSplit1' and 'multiSplit0' produce a list such that 'concat'ing it gives
-- back the input.
test_multiSplitSound :: TestTree
test_multiSplitSound =
testGroup "soundness" $ do
(name, split) <-
[ ("multiSplit1", coerce $ multiSplit1 @Int)
, ("multiSplit", multiSplit 0.1)
, ("multiSplit0", multiSplit0 0.1)
pure . testProperty name $ \(xs :: [Int]) ->
withMaxSuccess 10000 . forAll (split xs) $ \aSplit ->
xs === concat aSplit

-- | Show the distribution of lists generated by 'multiSplit' for a list of the given length.
-- | Show the distribution of lists generated by a split function for a list of the given length.
test_listDistribution :: Int -> ([()] -> Gen [[()]]) -> Int -> TestTree
test_listDistribution numRuns split n =
testProperty ("for a list of length " ++ show n) $
withMaxSuccess numRuns . forAll (split $ replicate n ()) $ \aSplit ->
label (show $ map length aSplit) True

-- | Count the number of 'I' and 'B' nodes in a 'Data' object.
countIandBs :: Data -> Int
countIandBs = go 0 where
go :: Int -> Data -> Int
go acc (Constr _ ds) = foldl' go acc ds
go acc (Map ps) = foldl' (\acc' (d1, d2) -> go (go acc' d1) d2) acc ps
go acc (List ds) = foldl' go acc ds
go acc (I _) = acc + 1
go acc (B _) = acc + 1

-- | Test the number of 'I' and 'B' nodes in a 'Data' generated from a @spine :: [()]@ equals the
-- length of the spine. Ensures that the 'Data' generator is not exponential in 'B' and 'I' nodes
-- (exponentiality in other nodes will not get caught by this test).
test_arbitraryDataExpectedLeafs :: TestTree
test_arbitraryDataExpectedLeafs =
testProperty "'arbitrary @Data' has the expected number of 'B' and 'I' leaves" $
withMaxSuccess 1000 . mapSize (* 5) $ \spine ->
forAll (genDataFromSpine spine) $ \dat ->
countIandBs dat === length spine

test_multiSplitDistribution :: TestTree
test_multiSplitDistribution =
testGroup "distribution of values generated by"
Expand All @@ -38,15 +61,16 @@ test_multiSplitDistribution =
, test_listDistribution 10000 (coerce $ multiSplit1 @()) 4
, test_listDistribution 10000 (coerce $ multiSplit1 @()) 5
, testGroup "multiSplit"
[ test_listDistribution 1000 (multiSplit 0.1) 1
, test_listDistribution 1000 (multiSplit 0.05) 2
, test_listDistribution 1000 (multiSplit 0.01) 3
, testGroup "multiSplit0"
[ test_listDistribution 1000 (multiSplit0 0.1) 1
, test_listDistribution 1000 (multiSplit0 0.05) 2
, test_listDistribution 1000 (multiSplit0 0.01) 3

test_utils :: TestTree
test_utils = testGroup "utils"
[ test_multiSplitSound
[ test_arbitraryDataExpectedLeafs
, test_multiSplitSound
, test_multiSplitDistribution
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,12 +2,11 @@
module PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck.BuiltinsTests where

import PlutusCore.Data
import PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck
import PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck ()

import Codec.Serialise
import Test.QuickCheck

-- | This mainly tests that the `Data` generator isn't non-terminating or too slow.
prop_genData :: Property
prop_genData = withMaxSuccess 3000 $ forAll arbitrary $ \(d :: Data) ->
d == deserialise (serialise d)
prop_genData = withMaxSuccess 3000 $ \(d :: Data) -> d === deserialise (serialise d)
177 changes: 129 additions & 48 deletions plutus-core/testlib/PlutusCore/Generators/QuickCheck/Builtin.hs
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module PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck.Builtin where

import PlutusPrelude

import PlutusCore hiding (Constr)
import PlutusCore.Builtin
import PlutusCore.Crypto.BLS12_381.G1 qualified as BLS12_381.G1
import PlutusCore.Crypto.BLS12_381.G2 qualified as BLS12_381.G2
import PlutusCore.Crypto.BLS12_381.Pairing qualified as BLS12_381.Pairing
import PlutusCore.Data
import PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck.Common (genList)
import PlutusCore.Generators.QuickCheck.Split (multiSplit0, multiSplit1, multiSplit1In)

import Data.ByteString (ByteString, empty)
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Int
import Data.Kind qualified as GHC
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text
import Data.Word
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.ByteString ()
import Universe

instance Arbitrary Data where
arbitrary = sized genData
shrink = genericShrink

genData :: Int -> Gen Data
genData depth =
oneof $
[genI, genB]
<> [ genRec | depth > 1, genRec <-
[ genListData (depth `div` 2)
, genMapData (depth `div` 2)
, genConstrData (depth `div` 2)
genI = I <$> arbitraryBuiltin
genB = B <$> arbitraryBuiltin

genListWithMaxDepth :: Int -> (Int -> Gen a) -> Gen [a]
genListWithMaxDepth depth gen =
-- The longer the list, the smaller the elements.
[ (100, genList 0 5 (gen depth))
, (10, genList 0 50 (gen (depth `div` 2)))
, (1, genList 0 500 (gen (depth `div` 4)))

genListData :: Int -> Gen Data
genListData depth = List <$> genListWithMaxDepth depth genData

genMapData :: Int -> Gen Data
genMapData depth =
Map <$> genListWithMaxDepth depth (\d -> (,) <$> genData d <*> genData d)

genConstrData :: Int -> Gen Data
genConstrData depth =
<$> (fromIntegral <$> arbitrary @Word64)
<*> genListWithMaxDepth depth genData

-- | Same as 'Arbitrary' but specifically for Plutus built-in types, so that we are not tied to
-- the default implementation of the methods for a built-in type.
class ArbitraryBuiltin a where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,12 +66,63 @@ instance for 'Int64' does:
For this reason we use 'Int64' when dealing with QuickCheck.

-- | A list of ranges: @[(0, 10), (11, 100), (101, 1000), ... (10^n + 1, high)]@ when
-- @base = 10@.
magnitudesPositive :: Integral a => a -> a -> [(a, a)]
magnitudesPositive base high =
zipWith (\lo hi -> (lo + 1, hi)) borders (tail borders)
preborders = tail . takeWhile (< high `div` base) $ iterate (* base) 1
borders = -1 : preborders ++ [last preborders * base, high]

-- | Like 'chooseBoundedIntegral', but doesn't require the 'Bounded' constraint (and hence is slower
-- for 'Word64' and 'Int64').
chooseIntegral :: Integral a => (a, a) -> Gen a
chooseIntegral (lo, hi) = fromInteger <$> chooseInteger (toInteger lo, toInteger hi)

-- | Generate asymptotically greater positive numbers with exponentially lower chance.
arbitraryPositive :: Integral a => a -> a -> Gen a
arbitraryPositive base high =
frequency . zip freqs . reverse . map chooseIntegral $ magnitudesPositive base high
freqs = map floor $ iterate (* 1.3) (2 :: Double)

-- | Generate asymptotically greater negative numbers with exponentially lower chance.
arbitraryNegative :: Integral a => a -> a -> Gen a
arbitraryNegative base high = negate <$> arbitraryPositive base high

-- | Generate asymptotically greater numbers with exponentially lower chance.
arbitrarySigned :: Integral a => a -> a -> Gen a
arbitrarySigned base high = oneof [arbitraryPositive base high, arbitraryNegative base high]

-- | Same as 'shrinkIntegral' except includes the square root of the given number (or of its
-- negative if the number is negative, in which case the square root is negated too). We need the
-- former because 'shrinkIntegral' at most divides the number by two, which makes the number smaller
-- way too slow, hence we add square root to speed up the process.
-- >>> shrinkIntegralFast (0 :: Integer)
-- []
-- >>> shrinkIntegralFast (1 :: Integer)
-- [0]
-- >>> shrinkIntegralFast (9 :: Integer)
-- [0,3,5,7,8]
-- >>> shrinkIntegralFast (-10000 :: Integer)
-- [0,10000,-100,-5000,-7500,-8750,-9375,-9688,-9844,-9922,-9961,-9981,-9991,-9996,-9998,-9999]
shrinkIntegralFast :: Integral a => a -> [a]
shrinkIntegralFast x = concat
[ [0 | x /= 0]
, [-x | x < 0]
, [signum x * floor (sqrt @Double $ fromIntegral xA) | let xA = abs x, xA > 4]
, drop 1 . map (x -) . takeWhile (/= 0) $ iterate (`quot` 2) x

instance ArbitraryBuiltin Integer where
arbitraryBuiltin = frequency
[ (4, arbitrary @Integer)
-- See Note [QuickCheck and integral types].
, (1, fromIntegral <$> arbitrary @Int64)
, (1, fromIntegral <$> arbitrarySigned 10 (maxBound :: Int64))
shrinkBuiltin = shrinkIntegralFast

-- |
Expand All @@ -125,6 +136,63 @@ instance ArbitraryBuiltin ByteString where
arbitraryBuiltin = Text.encodeUtf8 <$> arbitraryBuiltin
shrinkBuiltin = map Text.encodeUtf8 . shrinkBuiltin . Text.decodeUtf8

-- | Generate a tag for the 'Constr' constructor.
genConstrTag :: Gen Integer
genConstrTag = frequency
[ -- We want to generate most plausible constructor IDs most often.
(6, chooseInteger (0, 2))
, -- Less plausible -- less often.
(3, chooseInteger (3, 5))
, -- And some meaningless garbage occasionally just to have good coverage.
(1, abs <$> arbitraryBuiltin)

-- | Generate a 'Data' object using a @spine :: [()]@ as a hint. It's helpful to make the spine a
-- list of units rather than a 'Word' or something, because we have useful functions for arbitrary
-- list splitting.
genDataFromSpine :: [()] -> Gen Data
genDataFromSpine [] =
[ Constr <$> genConstrTag <*> pure []
, pure $ List []
, pure $ Map []
genDataFromSpine [()] = oneof [I <$> arbitraryBuiltin, B <$> arbitraryBuiltin]
genDataFromSpine els = oneof
[ Constr <$> genConstrTag <*> (multiSplit0 0.1 els >>= traverse genDataFromSpine)
, List <$> (multiSplit0 0.1 els >>= traverse genDataFromSpine)
, do
elss <- multiSplit1 els
Map <$> frequency
[ -- Generate maps from 'ByteString's most often.
(6, for elss $ \(NonEmpty els') ->
(,) . B <$> arbitraryBuiltin <*> genDataFromSpine (drop 1 els'))
, -- Generate maps from 'Integer's less often.
(3, for elss $ \(NonEmpty els') ->
(,) . I <$> arbitraryBuiltin <*> genDataFromSpine (drop 1 els'))
, -- Occasionally generate maps with random nonsense in place of keys.
(1, for elss $ \(NonEmpty els') -> do
splitRes <- multiSplit1In 2 els'
case splitRes of
[] ->
(,) <$> genDataFromSpine [] <*> genDataFromSpine []
[NonEmpty elsL'] ->
(,) <$> genDataFromSpine elsL' <*> genDataFromSpine []
[NonEmpty elsL', NonEmpty elsR'] ->
(,) <$> genDataFromSpine elsL' <*> genDataFromSpine elsR'
_ -> error "Panic: 'multiSplit1In 2' returned a list longer than 2 elements")

instance Arbitrary Data where
arbitrary = arbitrary >>= genDataFromSpine

shrink (Constr i ds) = ds ++ map (Constr i) (shrink ds)
shrink (Map ps) = map fst ps ++ map snd ps ++ map Map (shrink ps)
shrink (List ds) = ds ++ map List (shrink ds)
shrink (I i) = map I (shrink i)
shrink (B b) = I 0 : map B (shrink b)

instance ArbitraryBuiltin BLS12_381.G1.Element where
arbitraryBuiltin =
BLS12_381.G1.hashToGroup <$> arbitrary <*> pure Data.ByteString.empty >>= \case
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,11 +236,20 @@ instance ArbitraryBuiltin a => Arbitrary (AsArbitraryBuiltin a) where
-- We could do this and the next one generically using 'ElaborateBuiltin', but it would be more
-- code, so we keep it simple.
instance ArbitraryBuiltin a => ArbitraryBuiltin [a] where
arbitraryBuiltin = coerce $ arbitrary @[AsArbitraryBuiltin a]
arbitraryBuiltin = do
spine <- arbitrary
let len = length spine
for spine $ \() ->
-- Scale the elements, so that generating a list of lists of lists doesn't take
-- exponential size (and thus time).
scale (`div` len) . coerce $ arbitrary @(AsArbitraryBuiltin a)
shrinkBuiltin = coerce $ shrink @[AsArbitraryBuiltin a]

instance (ArbitraryBuiltin a, ArbitraryBuiltin b) => ArbitraryBuiltin (a, b) where
arbitraryBuiltin = coerce $ arbitrary @(AsArbitraryBuiltin a, AsArbitraryBuiltin b)
arbitraryBuiltin = do
<$> coerce (scale (`div` 2) $ arbitrary @(AsArbitraryBuiltin a))
<*> coerce (scale (`div` 2) $ arbitrary @(AsArbitraryBuiltin b))
shrinkBuiltin = coerce $ shrink @(AsArbitraryBuiltin a, AsArbitraryBuiltin b)

-- | Either a fail to generate anything or a built-in type of a given kind.
Expand All @@ -194,8 +271,12 @@ eraseMaybeSomeTypeOf (JustSomeType uni) = Just $ SomeTypeIn uni
-- | Generate a 'DefaultUniApply' if possible.
genDefaultUniApply :: KnownKind k => Gen (MaybeSomeTypeOf k)
genDefaultUniApply = do
mayFun <- scale (`div` 2) arbitrary
mayArg <- scale (`div` 2) arbitrary :: Gen (MaybeSomeTypeOf GHC.Type)
-- We don't scale the function, because sizes don't matter for application heads anyway, plus
-- the function may itself be an application and we certainly don't want type arguments that
-- come first to be smaller than those that come latter as that would make no sense.
mayFun <- arbitrary
-- We don't want to generate deeply nested built-in types, hence the scaling.
mayArg <- scale (`div` 5) arbitrary :: Gen (MaybeSomeTypeOf GHC.Type)
pure $ case (mayFun, mayArg) of
(JustSomeType fun, JustSomeType arg) -> JustSomeType $ fun `DefaultUniApply` arg
_ -> NothingSomeType
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