Add new builtin hashing function ripemd_160
IOG Hydra / ci/hydra-build:x86_64-linux.ghc810.checks.plutus-ledger-api:test:plutus-ledger-api-test
Jun 4, 2024 in 1s
Build failed
1 failed steps
Failed Steps
Step 1
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/w90yab7d73dy6503fnk3vn1z0jw57s22-source-root-plutus-ledger-api-test-plutus-ledger-api-test-root
source root is source-root-plutus-ledger-api-test-plutus-ledger-api-test-root
patching sources
patching script interpreter paths in /build/tmp.oPgK3aGlRk/bin
basic evaluation tests
always true script returns true: FAIL
Exception: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/Data/Maybe.hs:148:21 in base:Data.Maybe
fromJust, called at testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V1/EvaluationContext.hs:24:42 in plutus-ledger-api-
Use -p '/always true script returns true/' to rerun this test only.
always false script returns false: FAIL
Exception: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/Data/Maybe.hs:148:21 in base:Data.Maybe
fromJust, called at testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V1/EvaluationContext.hs:24:42 in plutus-ledger-api-
Use -p '/always false script returns false/' to rerun this test only.
salted function
saturated: FAIL
*** Failed! (after 1 test and 2 shrinks):
Maybe.fromJust: Nothing
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/Data/Maybe.hs:148:21 in base:Data.Maybe
fromJust, called at testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V1/EvaluationContext.hs:24:42 in plutus-ledger-api-
Use --quickcheck-replay=745262 to reproduce.
Use -p '/salted function.saturated/' to rerun this test only.
unsaturated: FAIL
*** Failed! (after 1 test and 2 shrinks):
Maybe.fromJust: Nothing
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/Data/Maybe.hs:148:21 in base:Data.Maybe
fromJust, called at testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V1/EvaluationContext.hs:24:42 in plutus-ledger-api-
Use --quickcheck-replay=649398 to reproduce.
Use -p '/unsaturated/' to rerun this test only.
oversaturated: FAIL
*** Failed! (after 1 test and 1 shrink):
Maybe.fromJust: Nothing
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/Data/Maybe.hs:148:21 in base:Data.Maybe
fromJust, called at testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V1/EvaluationContext.hs:24:42 in plutus-ledger-api-
Use --quickcheck-replay=704040 to reproduce.
Use -p '/oversaturated/' to rerun this test only.
salt: OK (0.01s)
+++ OK, passed 100 tests; 15 discarded.
builtins are unavailable before Alonzo: OK
builtins are available after Alonzo: OK
integerToByteString should exceed budget: OK (0.02s)
never is empty: OK
always is not empty: OK
open interval isEmpty: OK
open interval overlaps: OK
laws for integer intervals
equivalence relation laws
reflexive: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
symmetric: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 73% ██████████████▌····· ✓ 10%
same 27% █████▍·············· ✓ 5%
transitive: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 65% █████████████······· ✓ 10%
same 47% █████████▍·········· ✓ 5%
partial ordering laws
reflexive: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
transitive: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 62% ████████████▍······· ✓ 10%
same 46% █████████▏·········· ✓ 5%
antisymmetric: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 78% ███████████████▌···· ✓ 10%
same 22% ████▍··············· ✓ 5%
bounded lattice laws
bounded join semilattice laws
join semilattice laws
idempotent: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
commutative: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 81% ████████████████▏··· ✓ 10%
same 19% ███▊················ ✓ 5%
associative: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 68% █████████████▌······ ✓ 10%
same 41% ████████▏··········· ✓ 5%
unit: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 65% █████████████······· ✓ 10%
bounded meet semilattice laws
meet semilattice laws
idempotent: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
commutative: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 86% █████████████████▏·· ✓ 10%
same 14% ██▊················· ✓ 5%
associative: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 68% █████████████▌······ ✓ 10%
same 47% █████████▍·········· ✓ 5%
unit: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 88% █████████████████▌·· ✓ 10%
absorption: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 73% ██████████████▌····· ✓ 10%
laws for boolean intervals
equivalence relation laws
reflexive: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
symmetric: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 87% █████████████████▍·· ✓ 10%
same 13% ██▌················· ✓ 5%
transitive: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 70% ██████████████······ ✓ 10%
same 44% ████████▊··········· ✓ 5%
partial ordering laws
reflexive: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
transitive: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 71% ██████████████▏····· ✓ 10%
same 38% ███████▌············ ✓ 5%
antisymmetric: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 82% ████████████████▍··· ✓ 10%
same 18% ███▌················ ✓ 5%
bounded lattice laws
bounded join semilattice laws
join semilattice laws
idempotent: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
commutative: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 87% █████████████████▍·· ✓ 10%
same 13% ██▌················· ✓ 5%
associative: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 72% ██████████████▍····· ✓ 10%
same 42% ████████▍··········· ✓ 5%
unit: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 65% █████████████······· ✓ 10%
bounded meet semilattice laws
meet semilattice laws
idempotent: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
commutative: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 88% █████████████████▌·· ✓ 10%
same 12% ██▍················· ✓ 5%
associative: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 67% █████████████▍······ ✓ 10%
same 43% ████████▌··········· ✓ 5%
unit: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 87% █████████████████▍·· ✓ 10%
absorption: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
different 73% ██████████████▌····· ✓ 10%
intersection: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
isEmpty: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
overlaps: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
set model
tripping: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
equals: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
True 27% █████▍·············· ✓ 10%
False 73% ██████████████▌····· ✓ 10%
contains: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
True 60% ████████████········ ✓ 10%
False 40% ████████············ ✓ 10%
intersection: OK
✓ <interactive> passed 100 tests.
Non-trivial 12% ██▍················· ✓ 5%
delay0: OK
fun0var0: OK
const0var0: OK
iteLazy0: OK
iteStrict0: OK
illITELazy: FAIL
Exception: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/Data/Maybe.hs:148:21 in base:Data.Maybe
fromJust, called at testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V1/EvaluationContext.hs:24:42 in plutus-ledger-api-
Use -p '/illITELazy/' to rerun this test only.
illITEStrict: FAIL
Exception: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/Data/Maybe.hs:148:21 in base:Data.Maybe
fromJust, called at testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V1/EvaluationContext.hs:24:42 in plutus-ledger-api-
Use -p '/illITEStrict/' to rerun this test only.
illAdd: FAIL
Exception: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/Data/Maybe.hs:148:21 in base:Data.Maybe
fromJust, called at testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V1/EvaluationContext.hs:24:42 in plutus-ledger-api-
Use -p '/illAdd/' to rerun this test only.
illOverAppBuiltin: FAIL
Exception: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/Data/Maybe.hs:148:21 in base:Data.Maybe
fromJust, called at testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V1/EvaluationContext.hs:24:42 in plutus-ledger-api-
Use -p '/illOverAppBuiltin/' to rerun this test only.
illOverAppFun: FAIL
Exception: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/Data/Maybe.hs:148:21 in base:Data.Maybe
fromJust, called at testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V1/EvaluationContext.hs:24:42 in plutus-ledger-api-
Use -p '/illOverAppFun/' to rerun this test only.
check unlifting behaviour changes in Vasil: FAIL
Exception: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/Data/Maybe.hs:148:21 in base:Data.Maybe
fromJust, called at testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V1/EvaluationContext.hs:24:42 in plutus-ledger-api-
Use -p '/check unlifting behaviour changes in Vasil/' to rerun this test only.
EvaluationContext has machine parameters for all protocol versions
PlutusV1: OK (0.02s)
PlutusV2: OK (0.02s)
PlutusV3: OK (0.02s)
NoThunks in EvaluationContext
PlutusV1: OK (0.02s)
PlutusV2: OK (0.02s)
PlutusV3: OK (0.02s)
ledger languages
v1 not before but after: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
v2 not before but after: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
v3 not before but after: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
protocol-versions can add but not remove ledger languages: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests; 120 discarded.
all builtins are available some time: OK
builtins aren't available before Alonzo: OK
serializeData is only available in l2,Vasil and after: OK
bls,keccak256,blake2b224 only available in l3,Future and after: OK
Plutus Core language versions
v1.1.0 is available in l3,future and not before: OK
constr is not available with v1.0.0 ever: OK
case is not available with v1.0.0 ever: OK
remdr: OK
remdr1gen: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
remdr2gen: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
remdr1genc: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
remdr2genc: OK
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
length: FAIL
Exception: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/Data/Maybe.hs:148:21 in base:Data.Maybe
fromJust, called at testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V1/EvaluationContext.hs:24:42 in plutus-ledger-api-
Use -p '/costModelParams.length/' to rerun this test only.
tripping paramname: OK
default values costmodelparamsfortesting: OK
context length: OK (0.02s)
cost model parameters: OK
cbor failure
intepretation tests
end-of-input: OK
expected-bytes: OK
other: OK
end-of-input: OK
expected-bytes: OK
other: OK
ScriptDecodeError pretty-printing
CBORDeserialiseError: OK
RemainderError: OK
LedgerLanguageNotAvailableError: OK
PlutusCoreLanguageNotAvailableError: OK
context decoding
v1context: OK
laws: OK (0.73s)
+++ OK, passed 500 tests; 11 discarded.
updateSomeTokenValues: OK (0.41s)
+++ OK, passed 1500 tests; 161 discarded.
updateSomeTokenNames: OK (0.38s)
+++ OK, passed 1500 tests; 166 discarded.
shuffle: OK (0.65s)
+++ OK, passed 1000 tests.
split: OK (0.39s)
+++ OK, passed 700 tests.
12 out of 104 tests failed (0.75s)