A little tool to generate an Eclipse .target file from a framework folder (scanning subfolders).
By default, i found adding a Target Platform a little hard if you don't have a simple folder containing all your bundles. If you want to build an Enterprise OSGI using a complex container which provides you bundles using a tree-folders based way, you might find it takes alot of time to select each subfolders one-by-one.
This little tool helps, by having you selecting a folder to be scanned for subfolder containing .jar files and then create a .target file compatible with Eclipse.
Usage: java -jar OsgiTargetGenerator-[version]-jar-with-dependencies.jar --name MyTarget --output my.target --sourceFolders ~/MyFramework --targetVersion PDE_3_8
Result of 'java -jar OsgiTargetGenerator-[version]-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help': ... The options available are: [--help -h] : display help [--name -n value] : Name of the target, will be displayed in Eclipse. [--output -o value] : Output file. --sourceFolders -s value... : List of folders to be scanned to find bundles. [--targetVersion -v value] : PDE version of the file being generated. ...