Find deleted OpenStreetMap POI in a zone.
During a survey of stores in downtown Grenoble I noticed that some had been deleted from OSM instead of being tagged "shop=vacant".
This script allows to identify these points of interest (POI).
Download the pbf file of the zone you are interested in. Select a file with history and user info (for Europe the files are avalaible on the internal server, you must log on with your OSM account)
Example : To get Grenoble data select rhone-alpes-internal.osh.pbf on the Rhône-Alpes page.
Install the Osmium command line tool.
# On Debian and derivatives
apt install osmium
MS Windows users : there are no pre-compiled versions of Osmium, do yourself a favor and install a Linux distribution in the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
Select the zone :
osmium extract --bbox 5.702591,45.147058,5.766106,45.200425 --with-history --overwrite -o grenoble.pbf rhone-alpes-internal.osh.pbf
git clone
cd osm-deleted-poi
#create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
#install PyOsmium library in venv
pip3 install osmium
python3 /mnt/e/OSM/extracts/grenoble.pbf >deleted.tsv
- Open the deleted.tsv in MS Excel or Libre Office Calc (separators tab,encoding UTF-8).
- Add a filter (LOC : Data / AutoFilter)
- Select operation = "3.Deleted"