🚀 Enhancement
- MOON-471: Create Textarea component #472 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-246: Add Field component #461 (@Eevolee @ffffffelix)
- MOON-338: Add component CardSelector #460 (@Eevolee @ffffffelix)
🐛 Bug Fix
- MOON-478: Fix issue with long text in Header and Breadcrumb #480 (@ffffffelix)
- MOON-476: Unify the styling of selectors #477 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-463: Set background color to parent div of input #476 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-472: Add border radius variables for selectors #470 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-377: Add border variables for selectors #469 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-459: Add Spacing pico and update some spacings components #468 (@Eevolee)
- MOON-469: Add badges to storybook to indicate the statuses of the components #467 (@Eevolee)
🏠 Internal
🔩 Dependency Updates
- Bump re-resizable from 6.10.1 to 6.10.3 #463 (@dependabot[bot] @ffffffelix)
- Bump nanoid from 3.3.7 to 3.3.8 #465 (@dependabot[bot] @ffffffelix)
- Bump @jahia/scripts from 1.3.6 to 1.3.7 #471 (@dependabot[bot] @ffffffelix)
Authors: 3
- @dependabot[bot]
- Alessia Bourgoin (@Eevolee)
- Félix Vallé (@ffffffelix)