CSDN EPSON Printer 打印机 Sdk For Android
1 先开启发现打印机设备,完后会有个回调监听获取已连接的打印机设备的 TargetId;(The discovery of the printer device is turned on first, and a callback listens to obtain the TargetId of the connected printer device afterwards.)
2 需要通过初始化 Printer打印类 ,并且设置打印监听;(Needs to initialize the Printer print class and set up print listening.)
3 创建打印数据添加到已创建到 Printer对象 中,设置小票字体样式都在这里进行设置;(Create print data to add to the created to Printer object, where the small ticket font styles are set.)
4 连接到打印设备并且通过 sendData() 方法发送到命令缓冲区进行打印;(Connects to the print device and sends it to the command buffer for printing via the sendData() method.)
5 完成打印,清空命令缓冲区,关闭释放打印对象 。(Finish printing, clear the command buffer, and close the release print object.)