Ionic 4 @ledgerhq/hw-transport with ionic native bluetoothLE
Hi, thank you for your interest. I'm trying to make a bluetooth transport for stellar ledger to communicate with my Ledger Nano X using bluetooth to sign transaction and programmatically view my assets using ionic 4
Clone this repo and run $ npm install
Assuming you have your platform setup for developing ionic applications with cordova run
$ ionic cordova platform add android
This will setup your application for building to android
In your file system's project folder, navigate to the file
I know, you should never do this, just for testing
const requiresBluetooth = () => {
// $FlowFixMe
const {
} = navigator;
if (typeof bluetooth === "undefined") {
throw new Error("web bluetooth not supported");
return bluetooth;
const requiresBluetooth = () => {
// $FlowFixMe
const { ionic_ble } = navigator;
if (typeof ionic_ble === "undefined") {
throw new Error("web bluetooth not supported");
return ionic_ble;
to match src/app/app.component.ts
Run $ ionic cordova build android --device -l
This will run application in your device, Note Make sure it's connected with a data cable and debug mode is enabled
Since the library @ledgerhq/hw-transport-web-ble uses navigator.bluetooth
and node-web-bluetooth provides
the same APIs, I thought I could build the same
So I wrote the same implementation checkout src/app/ble
In the file node_modules/@ledgerhq/hw-transport-web-ble/lib-es/TransportWebBLE.js
I can't figure out how this method works and what I'm missing.
async inferMTU() {
let mtu = 23;
await this.exchangeAtomicImpl(async () => {
try {
mtu =
(await merge(
first(buffer => buffer.readUInt8(0) === 0x08),
map(buffer => buffer.readUInt8(5))
defer(() => from(this.write(Buffer.from([0x08, 0, 0, 0, 0])))).pipe(
).toPromise()) + 3;
} catch (e) {
log("ble-error", "inferMTU got " + String(e));
throw e;
if (mtu > 23) {
const mtuSize = mtu - 3;
`BleTransport(${String(}) mtu set to ${String(mtuSize)}`
this.mtuSize = mtuSize;
return this.mtuSize;
If someone can help that would be really great for my organisation and the community
Thank you