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This document describes the details of SRIOV configuration, configuration knobs in different components of Openstack modules, flow of data between those components, Contrail provisioning/fab changes to achieve this configuration and testbed changes.

##1. Enabling SRIOV on compute node

A) Enable ASPM (Active State Power Management) of PCI Devices in BIOS (If required, upgrade BIOS to see ASPM option)

B) Enable Intel IOMMU on linux, in passthrough mode

    B1) In /etc/default/grub, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="iommu=pt intel_iomAu=on"

    B2) updatA-grub

    B3) Reboot the compute node

C) Enable the required number of VF's on the required NIC echo '7' > /sys/class/net/eth0/device/sriov_numvfs

This enables 7 VF's on 'eth0' interface, which can be observed on 'lspci -nn' or 'ip link'

##2) Config file changes

A) Nova compute config file changes

A1) Configure the physical network names on physical interfaces in /etc/nova/nova.conf. The physical interface must have VF's enabld as mentioned in 1.C

    pci_passthrough_whitelist = 
      { "devname": "eth0", "physical_network": "physnet1"}

    The above configuration allows the VM's attached to "physnet1" to use 
    "eth0"s VF's.
    The pci_passthrough_whitelist can repeat multiple times for every 
    physical inteface of compute node in the configuration file. 

A2) Reboot nova compute (service nova-compute restart)

B) Nova scheduler config file changes

B1) Configure Nova Scheduler filter which choses compute nodes based on above SRIOV config in /etc/nova/nova.conf

    scheduler_default_filters = PciPassthroughFilter
    scheduler_available_filters = nova.scheduler.filters.all_filters
    scheduler_available_filters = 

B2) Restart nova scheduler (service nova-scheduler restart)

##3) Fab provisioning support

The above configuration and provisiong can be achieved using the Contrail Fab setup.

A) changes


    env.sriov = {
        host1 :[{'interface' : 'eth0', 'VF' : 7, 'physnets' : ['physnet1']},
                {'interface' : 'eth1', 'VF' : 7, 'physnets' : ['physnet2']}],
        host2 :[{'interface' : 'eth0', 'VF' : 7, 'physnets' : ['physnet3']}]

A2) host1 and host2 need to have compute node roles in the testbed

A3) sriov stanza describes the configuration to be setup on two different compute nodes "host1" and "host2". "host1" to be setup with two physical interface "eth0" and "eth1" having '7' VF's each belonging to "physnet1" and "physnet2" respectively. "host2" to be setup with "eth0" having '7' VF's belonging to physical network "physnet3"

B) Complete Cloud Setup

B1) "fab setup_all" enables required linux iommu option as mentioned in 1.B, configures VF's as mentioned in 1.C, configures physical networks as mentioned in 2.A1

B2) "openstack" role node also gets setup with scheduler options as mentioned in 2.B1

B3) Enabling the BIOS, as in 1.A, needs to be setup manually before the fab provsioning starts

C) Provisioning a new SRIOV compute node independently

C1) If a new compute node needs to be setup with SRIOV capability both compute node role and openstack role needs to be setup

C2) fab add_vrouter_node:[email protected] sets up the new compute node with required configuration as in 1.C, 2.A1

C3) fab setup_openstack_node:[email protected] sets up the openstack role as in 2.B1

##4) Launching VMs:

Once the provisioning is complete, the SRIOV VM's can be launched using the below neutron commands.Alternatively, the configuration can be done using Contrail UI. The openstack "Horizon" does not support booting of SRIOV VM's.

A) Create VN with above configured physical network and vlan id

neutron net-create --provider:physical_network=physnet1 --provider:segmentation_id=100 vn1

This creates virtual network vn1 with belonging to physical network "physnet1" with the vlan id "100"

B) Crate a subnet in vn1

neutron subnet-create vn1 a.b.c.d/netmask

C) neutron port-create --name --binding:vnic_type direct

This creates an SRIOV port belonging to virtual network vn1

D) nova boot --flavor m1.large --image --nic port-id=

This boots a VM with SRIOV port on the permissible Compute node.

E) VM's "lspci" can be used to verify that the Ethernet controller is VF

##5) Internals

A) Neutron and API server

The provider network configuration is supported by neutorn extension "provider". For the SRIOV support, neutron service is enabled with this extension and Contrail core plugin is modified to support this extension. The SRIOV port, requires new bindings, viz; "binding:profile", "binding:vif_details", "binding:vif_type", "binding:vnic_type" and "binding:host_id". Contrail's api-server persists this binding information in Cassandra and this binding information is available to different components of Openstack through "neutron GetPort" API.

"binding:host_id" contains the compute node name on which the VM is (to be) launched, "binding:profile" contains the PCI vendor, slot and VF information for Libvirt to bind the VM's interface to VF, "binding:vnic_type" as "normal" for regular VM's and "direct" for SRIOV ports, "binding:vif_type" as "vrouter" for regular VM's and "hw_veb" for SRIOV VM's, "binding:vif_details" contains vlan id the VF needs to be configured with.

For SRIOV port, the "binding:vnic_type" is set as "direct" and "binding:vif_type" as "hw_veb" by api-server at the time of port configuration. "binding:profile", "binding:host_id" is updated by nova-api once the nova-scheduler filters the compute and provides the profiling parameters. "binding:vif_details" are updated by api-server at the time of port configuration with vlan id from virtual-network the port is belonging to.

For SRIOV port, currently "binding:vnic_type" is always 'direct' and 'macvtap' is not supported.

api-server also sets up the link from VM to compute node's vrouter object so that the configuration data objects like VM, VMI etc are downloaded to compute node's agent.

B) Nova compute

Resource tracker in nova-compute updates Disk information, Memory information and Virtual CPU infornation to Nova Scheduler. Once the nova-compute is setup with PCI and physical network information, as in 2.A, the resource tracker updates available free VF and physical network information for every configured physical interface to nova-scheduler. If any new SRIOV VM is booted on the compute node, resource tracker updates the free available VF's again to nova-scheduler. This way nova-scheduler always contains free VF's of every compute node along with physical network names for "PciPassThroughFlter" to decide which host can be chosen for VM to boot.

The nova-compute libvirt plugin uses the above mentioned "binding:profile" information to generate the domxml file with PCI information (vendor, slot, address, VF number) and Vlan id when the "binding:vif_type" is "hw_veb". The nova-compute libvirt plugin communicates to libvirtd over unix domain socket and libvirtd configures the physical interface with the required settings. As 'macvtap' mode is not supported, SRIOV port is directly connected to VF.

C) Nova scheduler

Due to changes in 2.B, nova-scheduler uses "PciPassthroughFilter" as default filter to decide on which host the VM should launch. "PciPassthroughFilter" fitlers the hosts based on "physical network" names and free available VF's on that compute.

A custom filter can be written and attached to nova-scheduler to suit the requirements of the user

D) vrouter-agent

Compute node's vrouter-agent receives the VM, VMI config objects when an SRIOV VM is launched on this compute node from control-node as IFMAP objects. vrouter uses this information to generate the UVE's (and if possible VF statistics)

##6) Configuration Flow

A) When a virtual network is created with provider information, the provider information is persisted by api-server in Cassandra. The VN contains the name of physical network and vlan id to use.

B) When a neutron port is created with vnic_type as direct, api-server updates the "binding:vif_type" to "hw_veb", "binding:vnic_type" to "direct", "binding:vif_details" with vlan id from virtual network.

C) When nova-boot is command is issued with above SRIOV port, nova-api receives the REST API

D) nova-api identifies that VM is being booted with vnic_type direct and gets the port's physical network name from Neutron using GetPort API

E) nova-api does an RPC call to nova-scheduler to filter the compute to launch the VM

F) nova-scheduler filters the compute node in "PciPassthroughFilter" using physical network name that is passed from nova-api. Scheduler uses nova-compute resource tracker information to identify the compute that are having free VF's in given physical network name. Once the compute is filtered, the filter information is returned to nova-api

G) nova-api updates the "binding:host_id" and "binding:profile" data in port, as a result api-server updates port binding information with new VMI bindings

H) nova-scheduler also RPC casts (one way request message) to chosen compute node to launch the VM

I) nova-compute plugin gets the port information using nova-conductor and retieves the required data like "vif_profile", "vif_type", "vif_details" and "vnic_type". Upon getting this required data, it invoked spawn() routine of the libvirt plugin

J) nova-compute's libvirt updates the domxml file corresponding to VM with the required information like PCI information and Vlan id and communicates the data to libivrtd

K) libvirtd launches the VM and sets up the required VF setting on physical interface

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