released this
27 Aug 12:49
Complete overhaul of the build system: now uses proper CMake target definitions
Various fixes to ROOT and VTK visualization
Code cleanup & improved formatting
Added simulation examples; now also contains a Python notebook
Added text file generator (use particle definitions from ASCII file)
Fixed simulation issues when using "ghost" particle or linear trajectory
Fixed issue with missing step in output after particle termination
Restored old ("classic") cosine distribution in generator; added user options: classic
vs. molecular
Improved support for output field types in all writers (ROOT/VTK/ASCII) and ROOT reader
Update to OpenCL 2.2 headers
Added sanity checks for electrostatic solvers
Fixed issue with reading corrupted files (which led to memory leak)
Fixed bug in Zonal Harmonic Legendre coefficients (in some rarely used code)
Fixed bug in electrostatic field map calculation when mirroring is used
Added STL reader with mesh/navigation support; see Kassiopeia example
Added slice mode for internal VTK viewer (for details open help menu by pressing h
Added random generator for annulus surface
Fixed bugs in extruded spaces (leading to missing / wrongly discretized elements)
New tool GeometryPrinter
to show tree representation of loaded geometry
Added batch-mode command line flag (-b | -batch
); this prevents any visualization windows from opening
Added TinyExpr formula parser (speeds up parsing of many XML files significantly)
Fixed log-level command line flags (-v | -q
Various improvements/fixes to messaging system; improved warning/error messages
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