Hi, this is my CV and associated documents pack. It's to be considered up to date as of the most recent commit, unless I leave a note here saying it's not for some reason.
is my certificate of qualification as an engineer, and
is my unofficial academic transcript from UCT, which should be
everything you need to convince yourself that I'm a real engineer, and see how
well (or poorly) I did in my classes.
There's several email addresses associated with this GitHub you could contact me at, and the two most official looking ones are on the CV itself.
I'm currently working in Embedded System Development, which includes writing edge software for an embedded Linux system and maintaining and upgrading that embedded Linux image. I also come up with hardware solutions for sensing and control problems. I'm studying towards a Masters degree in Nanoelectronics at the University of Johannesburg, part-time, with a research focus on graphene manufacturing techniques for biosesnsors.I have a penchant for Linux and Linux Admin, in particular working with high performance cluster computers, but I could also work with a desktop Linux fleet.
This is in really, really simple latex. Simple enough that you could read it in a raw text editor if you had to. I considered writing it in markdown and having some clever scripts to convert it to a handful of formats but also, no. Between latex and PDF, this should be viewable by basically any computer, even if not very easily. The latex is intentionally low on custom formatting to keep it easy to build, you shouldn't need dependencies to hire me.