Melanoma is one of the most common cancers in young adults under thirty, yet it goes undiagnosed until after their fifties [1]. The longer it is undiagnosed, the more it spreads, and the more difficult it is to treat. In an effort to help individuals at risk detect melanoma earlier to increase their survival rate, we have created an app to help them detect it with simple steps from their phone. The purpose of this application is to simplify the process for worried individuals to check if they’re at risk of Melanoma.
- Allows users to recieve accurate diagnostics with a 3g internet connection
- Can ease worries to patients who believe they may have cancer
The inspiration for this project is to prevent disastors from happening due to people potentially not having the resources required for checkups.
Stores footage of lightning strike data
- React Native: for frontend
- Expo: for testing
- Python: for backend
- AWS: for cloud hosting
- SQL Alchemy: Object Relational Model for Postgres on RDS
- Having to add more features and allow more devices to cooperate with it