Digital Craftsman (Developer / Programmer / Software Development Engineer)
- π³ My name is Khirasagar .
- π― I am a multifaceted software developer and artist, fueled by creativity and enthusiastiasm.
- π I'm a Bachelor of Technology Undergrad.
- π My major is Computer Science and Engineering.
- β€ Contributing to Open Source.
- π I'm contributing to the Build v5 project with Backdrop Build.
- π€ Iβm looking to collaborate on: Fullstack projects
- π Iβm currently focused on : Deployment of springboot applications on AWS and its services like: S3, EC2, Elastic Beanstalk,Elastic Kubernetes Services, Spring Security, JWT Token Authorization and Authentication, ER Diagrams, RESTful APIs Springboot, Hibernate and MySQL.
Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.
Β© 2023 Khirasagar Maharana
Credits: Khirasagar Maharana