A repository to build docker image with Apache, PHP, MySQL & PHP MyAdmin
Clone or download the repository phpmysql
git clone https://github.com/L-HeliantHuS/ctf-easysql -b master
echo "AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm" > web/src/html/.htaccess
docker-compose up -d
once the docker build is complete run docker ps command and check the containers are running
docker ps
Launch the browser and go to http://localhost:8081 to open index.
Launch the broser and go to http://localhost:8080 to login to PHP MyAdmin.
- apache runs in port 8081
- apache /var/www/html is mapped to src/html
- DB running on port 3306
- DB data folder mapped to /db/data/
- default root user password is password
- default database name is mydb
- default user name is mysql
- default user password is mysql
- PHP MyAdmin runs in port 8080
Change the following parameters to customize the Apache & MySQL
Modify the Dockerfile in the web folder
- EXPOSE to custom port numeber
- ADD src /var/www to custom folder
Modify the docker-compose.yml
- modify MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD for root password
- modify MYSQL_DATABASE for root database name
- modify MYSQL_USER for db user name
- modify MYSQL_PASSWORD for db password