Releases: LCBH/UKano
UKano v0.5
UKano v0.5 packaged with Proverif v1.97 enhanced for handling extended diff-equivalence (see [HBD19]).
Improvements from UKano v0.4 (based on the new revision of [HBD19]):
- fix a bug that impacted sanity checks generation
- improve user messages
- additional and improved Tamarin models (see models)
- new toy example.
[HBD19]: L. Hirschi, D. Baelde, S. Delaune.
A method for unbounded verication of privacy-type properties.
Will appear in the Journal of Computer Security.
A copy can be found on ARXIV.
UKano v0.4
UKano v0.4 packaged with Proverif v1.97 enhanced for handling extended diff-equivalence (see [HBD18]).
Improvements from UKano v0.3 (based on the new revision of [HBD18]):
- add a different modeling of DAA sign and a different modeling of DAA-abstract sign.
[HBD18]: L. Hirschi, D. Baelde and S. Delaune.
A method for unbounded verification of privacy-type properties (journal paper under submission).
A copy can be found on ARXIV.
UKano v0.3
UKano v0.3 packaged with Proverif v1.97 enhanced for handling extended diff-equivalence (see [HBD17]).
Improvements from UKano v0.2 (based on new theoretical developments from [HBD17]):
- The class of allowed idealizations has been extended
- Frame Opacity is checked by using new encodings [HBD17] yieldings far better performance and allowing to capture the new class of idealizations
- The latter has been made possible by enhancing ProVerif 1.97 for handling extended diff-equivalence [HBD17]
- UKano now automatically generates sanity checks that verify the full executability of the protocol given as input
- New heuristics naming consistent with [HBD17]
- Case studies and benchmarks have been updated accordingly (better performance and less manual efforts are needed).
Fix various bugs w.r.t. idealization conformity check and heuristics for computing idealizations.
[HBD17]: L. Hirschi, D. Baelde and S. Delaune.
A method for unbounded verification of privacy-type properties (journal paper under submission).
A copy is available at
UKano v0.2
UKano v0.2 packaged with ProVerif v1.92.
Improvements from UKano v0.1 (based on new theoretical developments from [H17]):
- Detects whether the input protocol is in the shared case (i.e., some identity names are shared by the two roles) or not and adapt well-authentication verification accordingly.
- Verifies that guessed idealizations and idealizations given by the user are conform w.r.t. our generic definition [H17].
- Better heuristics to guess idealization that can be modified using options (more details in the corresponding section from the manual).
- UKano is now standalone and calls an executable
, parses its output and concludes accordingly. - scope of protocols UKano can deal with is much larger. See the list of case studies in the corresponding section from the manual.
[H17]: L. Hirschi. PhD Thesis. Automated Verification of Privacy in Security Protocols: Back and Forth Between Theory & Practice. A copy will soon be distributed at
UKano v0.1
UKano v0.1 based on ProVerif 1.96.
UKano as distributed for the paper [HBD16]. It only deals with the shared case (i.e., some identity names are shared by the two roles) and only deals with a simple heuristics to guess idealization as described in [HBD16].
[HBD16]: L. Hirschi, D. Baelde and S. Delaune. A Method for Verifying Privacy-Type Properties : The Unbounded Case. In IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland), 2016. To appear. A copy can be found at