A docker image and documentation for building and running the CLO Monitor Linter tool. The docker is a simple container that includes both the the clomonitor-linter tool and the companion OSSF scorecard tool.
To build the docker image, run the following command:
docker build --tag lfx-clomonitor-docker:latest .
To pull the prebuilt docker image from this repo, run the following command:
docker pull ghcr.io/LFX-Engineering/lfx-clomonitor-docker:latest
The docker image will need to be run with the following environment variables:
- A GitHub token with read access to the repository
Additionally, the docker image will need to be run with the following arguments:
- the path to the cloned repository--url
- The repository URL to run the linter against--check-set
- The (optional) check set options to run the linter against, see the configuration page
Below are some examples of running the docker image:
# Available CLO Monitor check-set options:
# --check-set code
# --check-set code-lite
# --check-set community
# --check-set docs
# Full Usage is:
# Usage: clomonitor-linter [OPTIONS] --path <PATH> --url <URL>
# Options:
# --path <PATH> Repository local path (used for checks that can be done locally)
# --url <URL> Repository url [https://github.com/org/repo] (used for some GitHub remote checks)
# --check-set <CHECK_SET> Sets of checks to run [default: code community] [possible values: code, code-lite, community, docs]
# --pass-score <PASS_SCORE> Linter pass score [default: 75]
# --format <FORMAT> Output format [default: table] [possible values: json, table]
# -h, --help Print help information
# -V, --version Print version information
# Ref: https://clomonitor.io/docs/topics/checks/
docker run -it \
-v "${PWD}/data:/data" \
lfx-clomonitor-docker:latest \
/app/clomonitor-linter \
--path /data/easycla \
--url https://github.com/communitybridge/easycla \
--check-set code \
--check-set community \
--check-set docs
Also, there is a simple bash script to launch the docker image, see the run-example.sh script.
The CLO Monitor linter tool is configured via the --check-set
command line options. For more information on the
configuration options, see the configuration page.
A valid GitHub token is required to run the CLO Monitor Linter tool. If you are running into issues with the GitHub token, please refer to the following documentation .
Generally, if the token is invalid or the token does not have access to the repository, the following error may be displayed:
Error: repository field not found in github medatata response
The resulting output from the CLO Monitor linter tool can be in either text or
JSON output. Use the --format
command line option to set the output format.
Here are two report examples:
- report example in the text format
- report example in the json format
The CLO Monitor linter tool can be integrated into a CI/CD pipeline. The easiest way to integrate the tool is to add a step in the CI/CD pipeline to run the docker image to generate the report. The results of the report can then be reviewed or used to fail the CI/CD pipeline.
The following is an example of a GitHub Actions workflow that runs the CLO Monitor linter tool.
In the following example, the clomonitor-pr.ymal
file is placed in the repository .github/workflows
directory. The
workflow is triggered when a pull request is created or updated. The workflow will run the CLO Monitor linter tool and
generate a report.
To summarize, the workflow does the following:
- Runs when a pull request is created with the target of the
branch. - A workflow job is created to run the CLO Monitor linter tool. The job leverages the pre-built lfx-clomonitor-docker container
- The container must have the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable set as the tool requires this to communicate to the GitHub API.
- The workspace volume is mounted to the container so the tool can access the repository files.
- The repository is checked out to the workspace volume.
- The tool is executed with the options of where the local repostiory is located, the repository URL. In this case, the default check-set options are used since no check-set options are specified.
- After the job runs, the results will be displayed in the GitHub Actions log.
- The
option is used as we want the workflow to continue even if the CLO Monitor linter tool reports a failing grade.
name: CLO Monitor Report
# https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions
- main
environment: dev # optional, used to pull environment variables from the specified environment configuration
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
image: ghcr.io/lfx-engineering/lfx-clomonitor-docker:latest
# Must have a GitHub token with read access to the repository
- ${{ github.workspace }}:/${{ github.event.repository.name }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Run CLO Monitor
continue-on-error: true
working-directory: /app
run: |
/app/clomonitor-linter --path /${{ github.event.repository.name }} --url ${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }}
Copyright The Linux Foundation and each contributor to LFX.
This project’s source code is licensed under the MIT License. A copy of the license is available in LICENSE.
This project’s documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY-4.0). A copy of the license is available in LICENSE-docs.