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Seating Assignment Backend

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SeatingAssignmentBE is the backend service for the issue tracking and logging system made for the seats assigned in a laboratory. The primary stack used for this system is React for the front-end, Laravel for the back-end, and MySQL for the database.


  • Track, validated, and manage logged issues for seats in a laboratory.
  • View issues by status, seats, and laboratories.
  • Track progress on validated issues.
  • Paper trail system for issue changes.
  • Role-based authorization on different endpoints.
  • Authentication using Sanctum.


To be able to setup this project, you would need to install the following beforehand.

  • Xampp for MySQL database, don't forget to add php.exe to your environment variables.
  • Composer for managing PHP dependency and running Laravel.
  • (Optional) Sqlite and Sqlite Browser as an alternative for MySQL database, as this is a lightweight database. Sqlite Browser allows you to view the database over a GUI.


  1. Make sure you have the requirements installed, and don't forget to add php to your environment variables.
  2. Clone this project to your local machine.
  3. Open a terminal inside the cloned directory.
  4. Run composer install to install the composer dependencies.
  5. Run cp .env.example .env to create the environment variables for the project.
  6. Run php artisan key:generate to generate a unique application key.
  7. Setup database.
    • For MySQL: Open Xampp, and run Apache and MySQL services.
    • For Sqlite: Run touch database/database.sqlite to create database file.
  8. Run php artisan migrate to automatically populate database.
  9. If prompted if you want to create a database, type Y and press enter.
  10. Run php artisan db:seed to populate the database with mock data.
  11. Run php artisan serve to run the backend service.
  12. To be able to use the endpoints on this backend service, use the Postman Collections that is referenced in the resources.
  13. You can login on authenticated endpoints with the following accounts:
# Student

Email: [email protected]
Password: password

# Professor

Email: [email protected]
Password: password

# Technician

Email: [email protected]
Password: password


Unfortunately, we are not accepting pull requests, since this is a one-time project. However, feel free to fork this project, and improve on it!





Issue Tracking and Logging System made with Laravel.





