From The Odin Project's curriculum This is an assignment to breakdown the HTML and CSS of the google homepage and reconstruct it with my awful spaghetti noodle code skills.
12/4/2019 Unfortunately didn't get much done atm, set up the base code of the HTML doc. Got the image and a basic search bar set up, reallllly struggling to center the damn things in CSS. I hopefully will get a lot more done this weekend, going to continue messing with the positioning till I figure it out. Chrome Dev kit has been useful giving me general ideas, but W3 and HTML dog are great reminders. DO NOT FORGET THE LINK TO YOUR STYLE SHEET IN THE FUTURE!!!
12/07/2019 10:30am Took a break from coding for two days. Was working on ideas at work and am now implementing them today on the project. Managed to figure out how to position the logo and search bar, mostly...I'm sure there is a better way to write it. Going to start onthe header//footer, I keep getting sucked into minor details with trying to copy the actual website too closely. I continue to you inspect to get ideas but I think I may be cheating a bit too much.
12/07/2019 11:50am I took a break for breakfast, back at it trying to solve the header and footer situation.
12/07/2019 02:00pm I have completed the footer and search buttons. However the links in the footer are improperly spaced atm. It looks really close to a google homepage, must missing the sign in portion in the top right, that is the next area to set up, afterwards I can go through fioner details....maybe.
12/07/2019 02:46pm Welp it is like 90% done? Maybe? The issues I still have are: -Google apps icon is missing -google magnifying glass is missing in search bar -google sign in (blue button is not super aligned well) -footer urls are not spaced properly I think I should have done the header a lot different and commited to a navbar of some sorts, all in all not the worst lookign websote I guess. I used a lot of google and W3 resources, I'm not sure if it's considered cheating? I had to edit all of the code to what I specifically needed. Maybe I should have done more of it blind? The issue is I barely know jack and remembering all if the tags and CSS styles is still new. IDK