- Fullstack web developer specialized in Symfony and React.
- π Job: Currently working on building highly specialized tools at the KNPLabs company.
- β¨ Quality: Aiming for the best quality code possible, so here comes lots of reviews and tests.
- π Design Patterns: Always curious to discover new ones and see how and why they came to existence. I love the "oh! That's smart! Let me try this" excitement it brings me.
- π Learning: I am currently working on a dockerized symfony - react boilerplate to improve and experiment with tools like Docker, Traefik, Dependabot, new tests and linters tools...
- πΌ I have a cat that likes to walk on my keyboard when he wants somethal,q;clezfdqsncmqld;lqfns w qs; (rhoo this cat!)
- π§ I work with Lofi, Metal or Blues in my ears depending on the mood