TouchGraphs is a Kotlin library that provides graph theory algorithms that can be applied on any collection of objects.
In build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.MaxBuster380:TouchGraphs:1.0.0'
In build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
dependencies {
In pom.xml
fun main() {
val words = listOf(
"apple", "rice", "egg", "pineapple", "gummy", "cocoa", "pepper", "cup"
// Creates a graph where two words are linked if the first's last letter is the second's first
val wordsGraph = graphOf<String> { tail ->
words.filter { head ->
tail.last() == head.first()
val start = "cocoa"
val end = "gummy"
val path = wordsGraph.findPath(start, end)
// Prints "Path from cocoa to gummy : [cocoa, apple, egg, gummy]"
println("Path from $start to $end : $path")
Many well-known algorithms are implemented in Graph
, gives an iterator to browse nodes from closest to a given origin node to furthest. Note that this does not mean iterating on every node of the graph.depthFirstSearch
, similar tobreadthFirstSearch
but the next node to iterate on is one furthest away.connectedComponents
, finds the connected sets of nodes in a graph.findPath
, runs the A* algorithm to find a path between two nodes.shortestPath
, runs Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path between two nodes.stronglyConnectedComponents
, runs Tarjan's algorithm to find all groups of strongly connected nodes.maximalCliques
, runs the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm to find all maximal cliques.