8 tests were completed in 18ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ testSimpleEvent()
✅ testParameterEventTooMany()
✅ testEventMethodwithSameName()
✅ testParameterEventTooFew()
✅ testParameterEventWrongTypes()
✅ testParameterEvent()
✅ testUnregister()
✅ testMultipleReturnValues()
15 tests were completed in 32ms with 15 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ testBoolean2()
✅ testId2()
✅ testId3()
✅ testInt()
✅ testByteArray()
✅ testClone()
✅ testFloat()
✅ testShort()
✅ testLong()
✅ testUUID()
✅ testId()
✅ testBoolean()
✅ testClosed()
✅ testDouble()
✅ testString()
7 tests were completed in 6ms with 0 passed, 0 failed and 7 skipped.
⚪ testSendToAllClientsInterface()
⚪ testSendToServerInterface()
⚪ testSendToServerLambda()
⚪ testSendToClientLambda()
⚪ testSendToServerInterface2()
⚪ testSendToAllClientsLambda()
⚪ testSendToClientInterface()
7 tests were completed in 46ms with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ testBooleans()
✅ testDeleteAndContains()
✅ testIfInitialized()
✅ resetToDefault()
✅ testSavingAndLoading()
✅ testDefault()
✅ testIntegers()
1 tests were completed in 543ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
1 tests were completed in 7ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
6 tests were completed in 6ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ testFailedEquals()
✅ testToString()
✅ testSettingAndReading()
✅ testEquals()
✅ testToStringList()
✅ testConstructor()
5 tests were completed in 88ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ testSerialiser()
✅ testDeserialiser()
✅ testFlavorIsNull()
✅ testFlavorNotFound()
✅ testDeserialiserNoExtensions()
36 tests were completed in 115ms with 36 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ testCenterHeadingEvenText()
✅ testDeserialiseMouse()
✅ testIsNumeric()
✅ testParseFloat()
✅ testCenterHeadingEven()
✅ testDeserialiseContainer()
✅ testCenterHeadingEvenText2()
✅ testDeserialiseRelativeFloat()
✅ testDeserialiseFileCommandNames()
✅ testCenterHeadingOdd()
✅ testSplitContainer()
✅ testStringPaddingOdd()
✅ testDeserialiseKeyboardWithKeyCodes()
✅ testSerialiseContainer()
✅ testSerialiseFileCommands()
✅ testDeserialisingCameraAngle()
✅ testExtractHeaderFail()
✅ testSerialiseComments()
✅ testSerialiseMetadata()
✅ testStringPaddingEven()
✅ testSerialiseFileCommandNames()
✅ testSerialiseFlavorname()
✅ testDeserialiseRelativeInt()
✅ testDeserialiseMetadata()
✅ testExtractHeader()
✅ testSplitInputs()
✅ testJoinNotEmpty()
✅ testExtractTick()
✅ testExtractExceptions()
✅ testSerialiseHeaderStart()
✅ testMergingCommentsAndCommands()
✅ testIsFloat()
✅ testExtractExceptions2()
✅ testExtractExceptions3()
✅ testDeserialiseKeyboard()
✅ testParseInt()
14 tests were completed in 26ms with 14 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ testEmptyConstructor()
✅ testSet()
✅ testUpdateWithNull()
✅ testClear()
✅ testToString()
✅ testShallowClone()
✅ testToStringSubticks()
✅ testSubtickConstructor()
✅ testCopyFrom()
✅ testEquals()
✅ testGetStates()
✅ testNotEquals()
✅ testUpdate()
✅ testUpdateWithBadPitch()
2 tests were completed in 3ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ testClear()
✅ testCopy()
11 tests were completed in 32ms with 11 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ testCurrentCameraAngles()
✅ testMousePresses()
✅ testInterpolationEnabled()
✅ testIsKeyDown()
✅ testInterpolationDisabled()
✅ testKeyboardRemovePresses()
✅ testWillKeyBeDown()
✅ testMouseRemovePresses()
✅ testKeyboardAddPresses()
✅ testPreloadedConstructor()
✅ testConstructor()
25 tests were completed in 61ms with 25 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ testEmptyConstructor()
✅ testGetVirtualEventsOnSubtick()
✅ testAddCharacter()
✅ testRepeatEvents()
✅ testRepeatEventsFail()
✅ testDeepClone()
✅ testClear()
✅ testToString()
✅ testGetDifference()
✅ testShallowClone()
✅ testToStringSubticks()
✅ testSubtickConstructor()
✅ testSetPressedByKeycode()
✅ testSetPressedByKeyname()
✅ testGetVirtualEventsUnpress()
✅ testCopyFrom()
✅ testSetUnPressedByKeycode()
✅ testSetUnPressedByKeyname()
✅ testUpdateOnSubtick()
✅ testMoveFrom()
✅ testEquals()
✅ testNotEquals()
✅ testUpdate()
✅ testGetVirtualEventsPress()
✅ testFailingSetPressedByKeycode()
22 tests were completed in 31ms with 22 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ testEmptyConstructor()
✅ testDeepClone()
✅ testToString()
✅ testGetDifference()
✅ testShallowClone()
✅ testSubtickConstructor()
✅ testSetPressedByKeycode()
✅ testSetPressedByKeyname()
✅ testGetVirtualEventsUnpress()
✅ testCopyFrom()
✅ testScrollWheelDifferent()
✅ testSetUnPressedByKeycode()
✅ testSetUnPressedByKeyname()
✅ testCursorYDifferent()
✅ testMoveFrom()
✅ testCursorXDifferent()
✅ testEquals()
✅ testNotEquals()
✅ testToStringSubtick()
✅ testUpdate()
✅ testGetVirtualEventsPress()
✅ testSameUpdate()