Nils Eckstein's micron repackaged in a docker env to ensure it runs locally
Path to docker image in docker hub:
docker pull mohinta2892/microtubule_tracking_eckstein
This docker uses tf==1.15.5 and Python==3.8.10. Runs on gpu.
The environment for Micron was built on top of the nvidia tf1 docker:
Remember all packages in this docker were explicitly as root after running (because the build through dockerfile is unresolved):
nvidia-docker run -it -v /local/mount-dir/micron-docker:/home
Torch docker path:
Training and Inference steps (copied from Nil's Github repo)
Training a network
cd micron/micron
python -d <base_dir> -e <experiment_name> -t <id_of_training_run>
This will create a directory at
with all the necessary files to train a network that can detect microtubules in EM data.
cd /home/micron/micron
python -d /home/test_experiments -e cremi -t 1
In order to train a network on your data you need to provide ground truth skeletons and the corresponding raw data.
The paths to the data need to be specified in the provided train_config.ini
. Ground truth skeletons should be given
as volumetric data where each skeleton is represented by a corresponding id in the ground truth volume. Raw
data and ground truth should have the same shape, background should be labeled as zero.
Our training data traced on the 3 CREMI test cubes and raw tracings (Knossos skeletons) is available here and can be used for microtubule prediction on FAFB. If you want to train on your own data this can be used as an example of how to format your data for training.
An example train_config.ini:
training_container = ~/micron_data/a+_master.h5, ~/micron_data/b+_master.h5, ~/micron_data/c+_master.h5
raw_dset = raw
gt_dset = tracing
Once the appropriate changes have been made to the train config, network training can be started via:
python <num_iterations>
which will train the network for num_iterations (e.g. 300000) iterations on the provided data and training checkpoints will be saved every 1000 iterations.
Predicting microtubule candidates
cd micron/micron
python -d <base_dir> -e <experiment_name> -t <id_of_training_run> -i <checkpoint/iteration> -p <id_of_prediction>
This will create a directory at
with all the necessary files to predict a region of interest with an already trained network as specified by the -t and -i flags.
In particular the directory will hold 3 config files that specify parameters for the given predict run:
- data_config.ini Specifies the paths and region of interests for the prediction run. Offset and size should be given in world coordinates. An example config for fafb prediction looks like the following:
in_container = ./fafb.n5
in_dataset = /volumes/raw/s0
in_offset = 158000, 121800, 403560
in_size = 76000, 52000, 64000
out_container = ./softmask.zarr
Holds paths to necessary scripts and ids as specified. Furthermore it contains information about the database to write the predictions to. The db_host entry should be adjusted to point to the mongodb instance that was set up earlier. All other settings are fixed and should not be modified. -
Holds information about how many workers (and thus GPUs) to use for the prediction. Furthermore a singularity container to run the prediction in can be specified as well as the name of any job queue that might be available on a cluster. IfNone
is given the prediction will be run locally.
If the necessary adjustments have been made a prediction can be started via
Once started the predict script writes microtubule candidates to the specified database and keeps track of which blocks have been predicted. Restarting the prediction will skip already processed blocks. Logs for each worker are written to
Worker.json gets created under
The final two steps follow the same exact pattern and each generate one additional config file that should be edited to need.
Constructing the microtubule graph
cd micron/micron
python -d <base_dir> -e <experiment_name> -t <id_of_training_run> -p <id_of_prediction> -g <id_of_graph>
Go to the newly created directory, edit config files to need.
- Training the UNET to detect the microtubules
- Prediction with blockwise daisy
- Graph generation
- Solving the ILP with gurobi and pylp
- Evaluating the solved trajectories
Changes made to ensure that the network can be trained:
- Changed Lsds import statement in train_pipeline
- Add a solver package for the ILP to the docker, preferably Cplex since Gurobi's WSL licence has only 90days validity and non-shareable clause?
- Replace MongoDB with PostgreSQL
- More in notes (will weed and add here)
Feature updates:
- Added tqdm to track training progress.
- Added a torch script to train micron
- Added a torch script to predict with scan nodes - not yet working
- Fallback to custom gunpowder which supports passing a checkpoint storage folder and allows cuda device to be passed as input.
- Dockerfile to build docker locally
- Further notes
Notes: Singularity does not work, have not tried to make it work