This is my implementation of the well known algorithm for traffic forecast; the Latent Space Model for Road Networks (LSMRN) using Matrix Profile algortihm in with stumpy in Python .
Here I try to adapt LSMRN to work with time series in general.
I assume the time series being a weighted (planar) path graph. Where the weights between two vertices is the time series value.
The idea is to use spatial information among the time series learned by another data-driven learning method as the Matrix Profile or other correlation methods to define some kind of distances between the nodes.
To achieve that I use first the original k-hop similarity matrix and the Matrix Profile algorithm.
The code has five main parts structured as follow:
- load data
- split in train and test
- as negative values are not supported, we shift the train dataset.
- split data in a list of snapshots, eg: [0:99], [100,199], ...
- generate adjacency matrices G_1, G_2, ... from the snapshots.
- create corresponding Y_t indication matrices.
Proximity matrix and some constants
- compute matrix profile for each snapshot and combine them in one general proximity matrix.
- normalize the proximity matrix.
Global learning
- U_t computation
- B computation
- A computation
- see output adjacency matrix as planar graph
- some metrics