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BTree-based C++ library for Key-Value pairs storage

The repository contains the C++17 template-based header library for Windows/Linux/MacOs platforms for storing KEY|VALUES pairs on disk.


  • K is a key type
  • V is a value type
  • { K key, V value }
  • Volume<K, V>
  • StorageBase<K, V>
  • VolumeMT<K, V>
  • StorageMT<K, V>

Volume<K, V>

  • is used to answer the queries:
    • bool exist(K key);
    • void set(K key, V value);
    • void set(K key, V value, int size);
    • V get(K key);
    • void get(K key);
  • is managed by Storage<K, V> object:
    • Storage<K, V> object defines the types of Volume<K, V>
  • contains:
    • hierarchical data structure (Btree) -> to pass the queries to it
    • IOManager object -> to use in BTree to perform IO operations
  • the results of modifing queries are written to a file on disk
  • the results of non-modifing queries are read from the file
  • file layout:
    • header layout (13 bytes)
        - T                        |=> takes 2 bytes (tree degree)
        - KEY_SIZE                 |=> takes 1 byte
        - VALUE_TYPE               |=> takes 1 byte 
           - VALUE_TYPE = 0 for integer primitives: int32_t, int64_t
           - VALUE_TYPE = 1 for unsigned integer primitives: uint32_t, uint64_t
           - VALUE_TYPE = 2 for floating-point primitives: float, double
           - VALUE_TYPE = 3 for container of values: (w)string
           - VALUE_TYPE = 4 for blob                
        - ELEMENT_SIZE             |=> takes 1 byte 
           - ELEMENT_SIZE = sizeof(VALUE_TYPE) for primitives
           - ELEMENT_SIZE = sizeof(VALUE_SUBTYPE) for containers or blob
        - ROOT POS                 |=> takes 8 bytes (pos in file)
    • node layout
        - FLAG                     |=> takes 1 byte                 (for "is_leaf")
        - USED_KEYS                |=> takes 2 bytes                (for the number of "active" keys in the node)
        - KEY_POS                  |=> takes (2 * t - 1) * KEY_SIZE (for key positions in file)
        - CHILD_POS                |=> takes (2 * t) * KEY_SIZE     (for key positions in file)
    • entry layout
           - KEY                   |=> takes KEY_SIZE bytes (4 bytes is enough for 10^8 different keys)
           - VALUE                 |=> takes ELEMENT_SIZE bytes for primitive VALUE_TYPE
           - VALUE_SIZE            |=> takes 4 bytes
           - VALUE                 |=> takes (ELEMENT_SIZE * NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS) bytes for (w)string or blob VALUE_TYPE

Storage <K, V>

  • storage template args <K, V> define the types of { key, value }
    • Storage<int, int> s;
  • is used to manage Volume<K,V> objects through a std::unique_ptr:
    • storage owns volume objects and they can't be opened by another storage
    • volume objects are disposed automatically when the storage lifetime expires
  • interface:
    • VolumeWrapper open_volume(string path, int tree_order);
    • void close_volume(VolumeWrapper v);
    • VolumeWrapper:
      • an object with a non-owning raw poiner to the Volume<K,V>
  • contains:
    • map of Volume<K,V> objects

VolumeMT<K, V>

  • is used to answer to queries in multithreading environment
  • is managed by StorageMT<K, V> object
  • thread safety is guaranteed with coarse-grained synchronization
  • contains:
    • Volume<K V> object
    • mutex object -> is used for synchronization

StorageMT <K, V>

  • is a Storage <K, V> for managing VolumeMT<K, V> objects
  • interface:
    • VolumeWrapper open_volume(string path, int tree_order);
    • void close_volume(VolumeWrapper v);
    • VolumeWrapper:
      • an object with a non-owning raw poiner to the VolumeMT<K,V>
  • contains:
    • map of VolumeMT<K,V> objects



$ git clone
$ cd experiments
  • Unix systems
    $ cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
    $ cmake --build build --target key-value-storage-test
    $ ./build/test/key-value-storage-test --log_level=success
  • Windows x64|x86
    • x64

      $ cmake -B build_x64 -S . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -A x64
      $ cmake --build build_x64 --target key-value-storage-test
      $ %vs2019_install%\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe build_x64\experiments.sln /p:Configuration=Release
      $ build_64\test\Release\key-value-storage-test.exe --log_level=success
    • x86

      $ cmake -B build_x86 -S . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -A win32
      $ cmake --build build_x86 --target key-value-storage-test
      $ %vs2019_install%\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe build_x86\experiments.sln /p:Configuration=Release
      $ build_x86\test\Release\key-value-storage-test.exe --log_level=success


  • tested on value types:
    • int32_t, int64_t, float, double
    • std::string, std::wstring
    • blob {const char*, size}
  • tested on
    • MacOS (x86-64), compiler Apple clang version 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.3, Mac OS Big Sur v11.5.2)
    • Windows (x86|x86-64), Visual Studio 2019 Version 16.5.0 (cl v19.25.28610.4, Windows 10 Pro)
    • Linux (x86-64), compiler GNU version 10.3.0 (Ubuntu v20.04)

Usage examples

  • basic usage example
      btree::Storage<int, int> int_storage;
      auto volume = int_storage.open_volume("../int_storage.txt", 2);
      int val = -1;
      volume.set(0, val);
      std::optional<int> opt = volume.get(0);
      assert(opt.value() == val);
      btree::Storage<int, std::string> str_storage;
      auto volume = str_storage.open_volume("../str_storage.txt", 2);
      std::string val = "abacaba";
      volume.set(0, val);
      std::optional<std::string> opt = volume.get(0);
      assert(opt.value() == val);
      btree::Storage<int, const char*> blob_storage;
      auto volume = blob_storage.open_volume("../blob_storage.txt", 2);
      int len = 10;
      auto blob = std::make_unique<char*>(len + 1);
      for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
          blob[i] = (char)(i + 1);
      volume.set(0, blob.get(), len);
      std::optional<const char*> opt = volume.get(0);
      auto ptr = opt.value();
      for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
          assert(ptr[i] == (*blob)[i]);
  • multithreading usage
    btree::StorageMT<int, int> int_storage;
    auto volume = int_storage.open_volume("../mt_int_storage.txt", 100);
    int n = 100000;
      ThreadPool tp { 10 };
      auto ranges = generate_ranges(n, 10); // ten not-overlapped intervals
      for (auto& range: ranges) {
[&volume, &range]() {
              for (int i = range.first; i < range.second; ++i)
                  volume.set(i, -i);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          assert(volume.get(i).value() == -i);
      ThreadPool tp { 10 };[&volume, n]() {
          for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
              volume.set(i, 0);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          assert(volume.get(i).value() == 0);

Known problems

  • exceeding the limit of the available VirtualAddress space on x86 in stress test.h:
    • boost can't allocate mapped_region for 800mb+ file
    • possible solution: map a fixed-size file part instead of the whole file
  • resizing of the file on Windows causes the same error as described in the issue: dotCover crashing - Can't set eof error
    • [WIN32 error] = 1224, The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open.
    • my case:
      • caused by SetEndOfFile:
        • CreateFileMapping is called to create a file mapping object for hFile, UnmapViewOfFile must be called first to unmap all views and call CloseHandle to close the file mapping object before you can call SetEndOfFile.
      • solution: to destory boost::interprocess::mapped_region object before the std::filesystem::resilze_file(path) call
  • crash or leaks during the explicit memory check performed by overriding global new and delete in mem_util.h:
    1. when use unordered_map to store allocated chuncks:
    2. when use uint32_t array[n] of store allocated chuncks:
      • works without crashes with boost libs but reports about leaks (from boost I suppose)


  • automatic removal of the expiring keys (see Redis impl)
  • a technique for providing atomicity and durability Write-Ahead-Log
    • the recovery log describes changes before any in-place updates of the B-tree
    • for now all modifications are written at the end of the same file -> file size accordingly grows (drawback)
  • to specify mapped region usage behavior to reduce overhead in memory mapped file I/O



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