SilentDragonLite 1.2.1
Changes since 1.2.0
- Sietch zaddr gets now created random, and are not static set anymore.
- Fix a problem where the balance is not render in the correct size on Windows and MacOs.
- SDL has now a new sync Checkpoint.
- Some sync performance improvements.
- Switch the underlying GRPC library to tonic.
bc35b516819522ba2a2dcffd4a52bfe69834864f38a91f3ad6100d96bb179b27 linux-binaries-SilentDragonLite-v1.2.1.tar.gz
d65c2b32b0b20c227a225255bb496247ea7c4eaad52b693516ddcec22dcb1b2d linux-deb-SilentDragonLite-v1.2.1.deb
e9264f93f2119dde71dba18051f316c436995a23fe3f4e93f345ba9abbc945ef macOS-SilentDragonLite-v1.2.1.dmg