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CCPP Framework Meeting Minutes 2020 09 29

Dom Heinzeller edited this page Sep 29, 2020 · 7 revisions


  • progress
  • transition to
  • CCPP announcements mailing list
  • other business progress

  • not much progress due to Hurricane Supplemental work
  • need to go through open issues next week to prioritize/add/remove as needed

Transition to

CCPP announcements mailing list

  • email to [email protected]
  • admins (managers): Laurie, Steve, Dom
  • initial members: Linlin, Man, Ligia, Grant, Julie, Mike
  • currently 32 members
  • from 2020/09/17: how do we spread the word - Ligia did all of it!
    • email to GSL modeling group, send to Arun and Fanglin for distribution at EMC
    • DTC staff mailing list, MMM (invite Jimy Dudhia, Dave Gill, Michael Duda, Chris Davis, Laura Fowler)
    • note on CCPP wikis and CCPP website
    • email "usual suspects" (people who submitted PRs, people who submitted questions to gmtb-help)
    • NRL, NSSL, Vulcan (Jeremy), AER (Mike, John Henderson)
    • UFS portal: Ricky, Henrique
    • scientists who contributed code (MG, Thompson, RRTMG, RRTMGP)?
    • Ligia is volunteering!
    • how to sign up?

Other business

  • wish list: tool to report / change metadata in bulk operations (e.g. units for a variable etc)
  • Dom was asked to "improve the debugging experience" by implementing a check for variables being allocated (correctly) or not, depending on their active attribute, when the code is compiled in debug mode - this will need to be added to as well. Example:
  standard_name = index_for_water_friendly_aerosols
  long_name = tracer index for water friendly aerosol
  units = index
  dimensions = ()
  type = integer
  standard_name = water_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration
  long_name = number concentration of water-friendly aerosols
  units = kg-1
  dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
  active = (index_for_water_friendly_aerosols > 0)
  type = real
  kind = kind_phys

--> in the cap:

if (ntwa > 0) then
   dummy = sum(qgrs(:,:,ntwa))
end if
! now call subroutine that does something with qgrs(:,:,ntwa) ...
- create issue to add `--debug` flag for `` to generate debugging code in the Fortran caps - see also
- separate from `--verbose` flag
- do not implement in `` anymore, go straight to ``
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