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PiDuino Library is a C++ library that lets you write programs for Raspberry Pi as if you were writing an Arduino program.

This library does not support Analog to Digital Conversion (or ADC) functions as the Raspberry Pi hardware does not have an integrated ADC and we don´t want to create hardware dependant code. If you need ADC is recomended to use external libraries.

Web Page:

Implemented Arduino Functions and Libraries

PiDuino Library aims to support the most basic official Arduino functions published in the [Arduino official website] ( as of April 2016. Note that the Arduino API has many legacy functions that although keeped no longer used, the ported libraries and functions are only the ones published on the official website.

Implemented Arduino Functions : Digital I/O, Analog I/O, Advanced I/O, Time, Math, Trigonometry, Random Numbers, Bits and Bytes, External Interrupts, Interrupts, Communication

Implemented Arduino Libraries : Serial, Wire, SPI


  • B some binary representation (e.g B1000000[7 bits] and B110[3 bits]) conflicts with some termios.h definitions so only 8 bit binary representations are supported (e.g B01000000[8 bits], B00010001[8 bits], etc). To represent a binary with less than 8 bits please use 0b instead.

Implemented Arduino Functions


  • Functions that begin with (EXTRA) are functions that were added to provide extra functionality to the library.

- Digital I/O

Function Implemented (YES/NO-Comment/In Progress)
pinMode(pin, mode) YES
digitalWrite(pin, value) YES
digitalRead(pin) YES

- Analog I/O

Function Implemented (YES/NO-Comment/In Progress)
analogReference(type) NO - No hardware support for RPi
analogRead(pin) NO - No hardware support for RPi
analogWrite(pin, value) - PWM YES
(EXTRA) setPwmDutyCycle (pin, dutycycle) YES
(EXTRA) setPwmFrequency (pin, frequency, dutycycle) YES
(EXTRA) setPwmFrequency (pin, frequency) YES
(EXTRA) setPwmPeriod (pin, microseconds) YES

- Advanced I/O

Function Implemented (YES/NO-Comment/In Progress)
tone(pin, frequency) YES
tone(pin, frequency, duration) YES
noTone(pin) YES
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, bitOrder, value) YES
byte incoming = shiftIn(dataPin, clockPin, bitOrder) YES
pulseIn(pin, value) YES
pulseIn(pin, value, timeout) YES

- Time

Function Implemented (YES/NO-Comment/In Progress)
time = millis() YES
time = micros() YES
delay(ms) YES
delayMicroseconds(us) YES

- Math

Function Implemented (YES/NO-Comment/In Progress)
min(x, y) YES
max(x, y) YES
abs(x) YES
constrain(x, a, b) YES
map(value, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh) YES
pow(base, exponent) YES
radians(deg) YES
degrees(rad) YES
sqrt(x) YES
sq(x) YES

- Trigonometry

Function Implemented (YES/NO-Comment/In Progress)
sin(rad) YES
cos(rad) YES
tan(rad) YES

- Characters

Function Implemented (YES/NO-Comment/In Progress)
isAlphaNumeric(thisChar) YES
isAlpha(thisChar) YES
isAscii(thisChar) YES
isWhitespace(thisChar) YES
isControl(thisChar) YES
isDigit(thisChar) YES
isGraph(thisChar) YES
isLowerCase(thisChar) YES
isPrintable(thisChar) YES
isPunct(thisChar) YES
isSpace(thisChar) YES
isUpperCase(thisChar) YES
isHexadecimalDigit(thisChar) YES

- Random Numbers

Function Implemented (YES/NO-Comment/In Progress)
randomSeed(seed) YES
random(max) YES
random(min, max) YES

- Bits and Bytes

Function Implemented (YES/NO-Comment/In Progress)
lowByte(x) YES
highByte(x) YES
bitRead(x, n) YES
bitWrite(x, n, b) YES
bitSet(x, n) YES
bitClear(x, n) YES
bit(n) YES

- External Interrupts

Function Implemented (YES/NO-Comment/In Progress)
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pin), ISR, mode) YES
detachInterrupt(interrupt) YES
detachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pin)) YES

- Interrupts

Function Implemented (YES/NO-Comment/In Progress)
interrupts() In Progress
noInterrupts() In Progress

- Communication

Function Implemented (YES/NO-Comment/In Progress)
Serial YES
Stream NO - Not implemented for now

Implemented Arduino Libraries

- Serial

Function Implemented (YES/NO-Comment/In Progress)
if (Serial) YES
Serial.available() YES
Serial.availableForWrite() YES
Serial.begin(speed) YES
Serial.begin(speed, config) YES
(EXTRA) Serial.begin(driverName, speed) YES
(EXTRA) Serial.begin(driverName, speed, config) YES
Serial.end() YES
Serial.find(target) YES
Serial.findUntil(target, terminal) YES
Serial.flush() YES
Serial.parseFloat() YES
Serial.parseInt() YES
Serial.parseInt(char skipChar) YES
Serial.peek() YES
Serial.print(val) YES
Serial.print(val, format) YES
Serial.println(val) YES
Serial.println(val, format) YES
(EXTRA) Serial.printf(format, ...) YES YES
Serial.readBytes(buffer, length) YES
Serial.readBytesUntil(character, buffer, length) YES
Serial.readString() YES
Serial.readStringUntil(terminator) YES
(EXRTA) Serial.readStringCommand(character, buffer, length) YES
Serial.setTimeout(time) YES
Serial.write(val) YES
Serial.write(str) YES
Serial.write(buf, len) YES
serialEvent() In Progress

- Wire

Function Implemented (YES/NO-Comment/In Progress)
Wire.begin() YES
(EXTRA) Wire.begin(driverName) YES
Wire.begin(address) NO/In Progress - Linux I2C Slave driver was added recently, still verifying
Wire.requestFrom(address, quantity) YES
Wire.requestFrom(address, quantity, stop) NO - There is no way to send an I2C stop msg to the driver
Wire.beginTransmission(address) YES
Wire.endTransmission() YES
Wire.endTransmission(stop) NO - There is no way to send an I2C stop msg to the driver
Wire.write(value) YES
Wire.write(string) YES
Wire.write(data, length) YES
Wire.available() YES YES
Wire.onReceive(handler) NO/In Progress - Linux I2C Slave driver was added recently, still verifying
Wire.onRequest(handler) NO/In Progress - Linux I2C Slave driver was added recently, still verifying


Function Implemented (YES/NO-Comment/In Progress)
SPISettings YES
SPI.begin() YES
(EXTRA) SPI.begin(driverName) YES
SPI.end() YES
SPI.beginTransaction(mySettings) YES
SPI.endTransaction() YES
SPI.setBitOrder(order) YES
SPI.setClockDivider(divider) YES - Sets clock or if you use dividers (e.g SPI_CLOCK_DIV4) then sets clock at the divider speed for a 16Mhz Arduino microcontroller
SPI.setDataMode(mode) YES
receivedVal = SPI.transfer(val) YES
receivedVal16 = SPI.transfer16(val16) NO - Is almost depreceated and could be fixed better adding a bitsPerWord in settings that includes 16 bits and 32 bits
SPI.transfer(buffer, size) YES
SPI.usingInterrupt(interruptNumber) In Progress


  • Make a SPI and I2C begin("/dev/i2c-x") to let developers choose any i2c-x number.
  • Check Linux i2c-slave.
  • Maybe only add B(8 bits) only and that way prevent conflicts with termios.h
  • Defintily separate files and make it C compatible (At the end)
  • Make an Arduino.h header containing piDuino.h so developers don't need to change too much code.
  • Add arduino String object
  • Maybe add a SPISettings(..., bitsPerWord, CS(High?low)) and their bit routines config. to SPI. For bitPerWord transfer len will need to be multiplied by (bitsPerWord/8)
  • Add string, String, (arg, ...) to prints.
  • Make an Arduino init function
  • Implement an exit rutine when SIGINT (Ctrl^Z) to turn GPIO OFF


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