To run the site:
- clone the repo
- in the project directory, run
npm install
- in the project directory, add a folder name 'data' (if not already there)
- in another terminal, in the same directory, run
mongod --dbpath ./data
- in the first terminal again, run
npm start
- in a browser, navigate to localhost:8080
-----------STUFF TO DOWNLOAD-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Node.js & NPM
NPM is what we'll use for dependency tracking. Whenever you pull the repo down, it won't include up-to-date
modules, only an updated list of modules required. So calling NPM install will locally install everything the
program 'requires' to do its thing. Express and Angular are dependencies that our package manager (NPM) will
install for us. Then node is just our interpreter.
You'll need to run the mongo server for the site to work. Download the directory. Keep it wherever, they're
just binary executables. Add the bin directory to your path if necessary. Then you have to initialize the
server to the appropriate directory before running the site every time. To do this, open the terminal, cd to
the project directory, and run "mongod --dbpath ./data" and that should do it. You can also open another
terminal and run "mongo" to monitor/manage your databases---any of them, not just the ones running, since the
data is persisted.