In 2019 Bsides comes to Cardiff for the first time and NetSec Focus have one ticket to giveaway! If you can make it to Cardiff on the 28th September 2019 and want a free ticket I've got a little puzzle for you (or if you just want a fun challenge feel free to have a go). More details about Bsides Cardiff here
Simply decrypt the files and let me know what they say. DM me on twitter @netsecfocus or join us on Mattermost and contact vcsec with your answer . First person with the correct answer AND confirm they can attend BSides Cymru wins.
Sample files are in this repo
: '
usage ./ file file
#tidy up files - work on this later
#head -n 4 file1 > discard.txt
#tail -n +5 file1 > 1.bin
#create unique passwords
pass1="$(openssl rand -base64 16)"
pass2="$(openssl rand -base64 16)"
#create unique IVs
iv1="$(openssl rand -hex 8)"
iv2="$(openssl rand -hex 8)"
#echo $pass1
#echo $pass2
#echo $iv1
#echo $iv2
#encrypt files with the unique passwords and IVs
openssl enc -AES-128-CTR -S "$iv1" -pass "pass:$pass1" -in "$1" -out "$1.enc"
openssl enc -AES-128-CTR -S "$iv1" -pass "pass:$pass1" -in "$2" -out "$2.enc"