This is my first MEAN Stack Application. We are using mongoDB weith express. While we an use many other database with express which you can see here.
PS: I have made this application through the tutorial of Edureka
- MEAN is a Full-stack Javascript Solution that helps you build fast, robust, and maintainable production web application using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js
This is the architecture we will be using.
- MongoDB is an open source NoSQL database that uses a document-oriented data model.
- It works on concept of collection and document.
- Collection is a group of documents while document is a set of key value paris.
- Saves data in key value pairs.
- MongoDB saves data in binary format which makes it easier to pass data between client and server.
- Install Here
- Basic Commands
- Start MongoDB
sudo systemctl start mongod
- Verify that MongoDB has started successfully
sudo systemctl status mongod
- Stop MongoDB
sudo systemctl stop mongod
- Restart MongoDB
sudo systemctl restart mongod
- Begin using MongoDB.
- Start a mongo shell on the same host machine as the mongod. You can run the mongo shell without any command-line options to connect to a mongod that is running on your localhost with default port 27017:
- Start a mongo shell on the same host machine as the mongod. You can run the mongo shell without any command-line options to connect to a mongod that is running on your localhost with default port 27017:
- Start MongoDB
- Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.
- Idea of Express came Sinatra, which is popular framework based on Ruby.
- Expres provides you boilerplate by encapsulation the functionalities of NodeJs so that the whole app building process becomes easier and fast.
- Angular 2 is based on TypeScript.
- Angular is an application design framework and development platform for creating efficient and sophisticated single-page apps.
- Angular is a development platform, built on TypeScript. As a platform, Angular includes:
- A component-based framework for building scalable web applications.
- A collection of well-integrated libraries that cover a wide variety of features, including routing, forms management, client-server communication, and more.
- A suite of developer tools to help you develop, build, test, and update your code.
- PS: We will be using Angular2. We will be using angular2 as a interface for the client to interfere.
- Node.js is a server-side JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
- Follows the event-driven architecture, where there is a single thread mechanism to process your events.
- Events will be done asynchronously, i.e. if we have multiple event process one vent wont wait for other to complete. It can process multiple request at the same time. So, this event-driven architecture makes out node.js server highly optimal and scalable.
- PS: For understanding difference between event-driven and request-driven(used in old framework) refer this. See this what is event-driven.
Step 1: Download latest or recommended node .tar.xz file from Download
Step 2: Go to the directory in which (.tar.xz file) is downloaded.
Step 3: Update System Repositories.
sudo apt update
Step 4: Install the package xz-utils
sudo apt install xz-utils
Step 5: To Extract the .tar.xz file
sudo tar -xvf name_of_file
- In my case -->
sudo tar -xvf node-v14.15.5-linux-x64.tar.xz
Step 6: sudo cp -r directory_name/{bin,include,lib,share} /usr/
- In my case -->
sudo cp -r node-v14.15.5-linux-x64/{bin,include,lib,share} /usr/
- In my case -->
Step 7: Check the node version
node --version
- Result In my case -> v14.15.5
PS: Also check the npm version. NPM stands for "Node Package Manager" which is there for managing your dependencies and there versions. npm is distributed with Node. js- which means that when you download Node. js, you automatically get npm installed on your computer.
npm init
: To bend the project and create package.JSON file which will contain dependencies. // GOT package.json file -
package name: (contact-list)
version: (1.0.0)
description: Mean stack application for contact list
entry point: (index.js) app.js
\ where the point of execution will be at the beginningtest command:
git repository: (
author: Nitin Bhasneria
license: (ISC)
\ -
npm install express --save
: npm install is for installing any dependencies followed by the names of dependencies and by using --save you can save the dependencies in package.JSON file. //GOT NODE MODULE FOLDER- NOTE: we didnt got the node module folder before because no dependencies were installed before.
npm install mongoose cors body-parser --save
- Mongoose is an object document mapper for using mongodb.
- Body-parser is used for parsing the incoming JSON data.
- CORS is because we will be having our server code 3000 whereas our client-side code run on 4200.4200 so thats why we dont get an error which is not allowed by default.
Making app.js
Import modules and dependencies we need for building our project
Writing the app.js starting
Importing Module
var express = require('express'); //importing express var mongoose = require('mongoose'); //importing mongoose var bodyparser = require('body-parser'); //importing body-parser var cors = require('cors'); //importing cors var path = require('path'); //haven't installed path because its one of the code module so we dont have to install it seperately
For using express we need to assign the express method to a variable
var app = express();
port number
const port = 3000;
we need to add a route so that if we go to localhost:3000 then we neeed to specify what it needs to render for that homepage route.
app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.send('Hello World!'); })
bind server with this port number
app.listen(port, ()=>{ console.log("Server started at port:"+port); })
node app.js
Starting the Server you will see this interface.
Adding the router folder for handling the route. Basically, in app.js we will import the route file and use
app.use('/api', route)
by this we are telling every route with api go toroute.js
and in route.js we have defined /contact which defines that route of /api foes toroute.js
where /contacts goes to that particular output defined inroute.js
In short /api/contact will be directed to the
for the output. -
CORS: CORS is shorthand for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. It is a mechanism to allow or restrict requested resources on a web server depend on where the HTTP request was initiated. This policy is used to secure a certain web server from access by other website or domain.
CORS now we need to add the middleware so that we can parse our data for which we use CORS(as a middleware). (Middleware is software that provides common services and capabilities to applications outside of what's offered by the operating system. Data management, application services, messaging, authentication, and API management are all commonly handled by middleware.)
Body-Parser In order to get access to the post data we have to use body-parser . Basically what the body-parser is which allows express to read the body and then parse that into a Json object that we can understand.
Now, for storing all the static files created a folder public and joining this public folder to our directory.
- we use
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
we use __dirname for the directory name, we can also use the directory path itself.
- we use
We created a
res.send('Retrieving the Contact List'); }); // whatever changes made to the /api/contacts will be directed to here
by this we says that whatever comes with route /api/contact prints 'Retrieving the Contact List'.
Every time you make changes to your server side code you have to restart the server. What you can do is install Nodemon which will continously watch source code file for changes and refrehes itself.
npm install nodemon
Run with
- Giving error
nodemon: command not found
to me. So I usedsudo npm install -g --force nodemon
- Giving error
On starting server I got the error because I had not exported the route.js which shouch be exported. Also, you will see the server is refreshing its own due to nodemon. Also, if you see nodemon uses same command
node app.js
for starting the server. -
Now we can go to localhost:3000/api/contacts having this as a output.
Adding methods for data retrive and delete
- Now we are going to connect to our database and write the logic for retriving data in route.js and thats how we are going to send the data in client side application which will make a call to this very particular API and retrive the list of contacts.
- Adding the methods:
- POST:'/contacts', (req, res, next) => { // logic to add contact });
We will be deleting the contact by referring to that particular contact by its ID
router.delete('/contacts/:id', (req, res, next) => { // logic to add contact });
Database schema and connections
- Now we need to create a schema for our contact that will be inserted to our database and need to make connection with our database.
- So we are going to make a folder named models.
- Created contact.js inside models folder this particular file will be having all our schema(our contact schema).
- So we need to bring Mongoose, since we are making schema for MongoDB so we need to bring Mongoose, which(Mongoose) will be talking to MongoDB or through that we will be using MongoDB.
- We have added the schema with first_name, last_name and phone in contact.js
- Now we need to connect to our MongoDB. In app.js for the connection we will be using
function - After connection is made we made to function one for after
and second if we have any error in connection with argumenterror
Creating API
Now we are going to create API for retriving contacts or adding or deleting contacts from database.
So, first we need to bring the contact schema that we have created in models/contact.js file to route.js
- using
const Contact = require('../models/contacts');
- using
Using in get() functions
router.get('/contacts', (req, res, next) => { // for retreiving contact we will be using find Contact.find((err, contacts) => { res.json(contacts); }) });
- After retriving the contacts all the contact of the contact list will be saved in the variable contacts( used in
res.json (contacts)
), which we are sending or responding back to our client in JSON format.\
- In post first we will create a new contact of type Contact(used in schema). We will be giving the arguments in Contact as the input.
let newContact = new Contact({ first_name: req.body.first_name, last_name: req.body.last_name, phone:, })
- Now we want to insert this new contact in our database for that we will use with callback function.
- callback funtion: A callback function is a function passed into another function as an argument, which is then invoked inside the outer function to complete some kind of routine or action. Example in we are using another arrow function.
- Our post function Looks like'/contacts', (req, res, next) => { // logic to add contact let newContact = new Contact({ first_name: req.body.first_name, last_name: req.body.last_name, phone:, }), contact) => { if(err){ res.json({msg: 'Failed to add contact'}); } else { res.json({msg: 'Contact added succesfully'}); } }) });
- When you are inserting any data in database what MongoDB does is it create a ID for each document or each contact. Using that very particular ID we will be deleting that particular contact.js*
- From client side we'll be recieving that very particular request for deleting that particular contact then using that very ID we're gonna issue our delete command.
- We will use Contact.remove() function and give the
with a callback function. - Our delete function looks like
router.delete('/contacts/:id', (req, res, next) => { // logic to add contact Contact.remove({_id:}, (err, result){ if(err) { res.json(err); } else { res.json(result); } }) });
Checking API
We will use POSTMAN for checking the API.
giving the POST request in post man with
- header => key: "content-type" and value: "application/json"
- body =>
"first_name": "Nitin",
"last_name": "Bhasneria",
"phone": "9988776644"
} - adding url "localhost:3000/api/contacts"
In GET we will see the following output for
- {
"_id": "6081a85be529723058432e40",
"first_name": "Nitin",
"last_name": "Bhasneria",
"phone": "9988776644",
"__v": 0
} - As we can see we have autogenerated id for our contact.
- {
In DELETE lets copy the id from GET request and make the url "localhost:3000/api/contacts/:id"
- In my case "localhost:3000/api/contacts/:id6081a86de529723058432e41" this will delete the contact. You can recheck by giving the get request.
Just started checking out my code and encountered one error.
I was checking the app.js code and checkout out that this code is still there.
app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.send('Hello World!'); })
So, I thought, going to localhost:3000/ will still be giving Hello World!. But the page was just blank and I tried a lot of time but still its blanked. I wondered why and googled it. And and and I got the answer. I ANSWER: Since you're using /public in your middleware, only requests with /public will be looked in the static folder. When I commented out the public line in app.js I got no issue and Hello World! Occured. PS: is you had the code
app.get('/anything', (req, res) => { res.send('Hello World!'); })
Then there will be no issue in displaying Hello World! it was just an issue when path is "/".
Also you should checkout the concept of Middleware.
Client Application
Now we are going to make client application where we will be making call for performing various kind of data operation that we have defined in our server side code.
Now we will be using Angular and we'll be creating view templates for show contacts and other features.
For that we will be using angular cli(Command Line Interface) that will be using to build our entire client side interface.
More about Angular CLI.
Go to project directory and follow up with this code
npm install @angular/cli
Basically, angular cli will help you to bring all the boilerplate or all the files which is necessary to run your client-sede applicaiton. It will also provide you the code modules which we're gonna use in angular app.
Now we gonna go ahead with creating a angular project for that we will use
ng new client
I got error while install angula/cli
I used this
npm install @angular/cli
checked with
ng --version
, but got nothing. -
Then I installed with
npm install -g @angular/cli
. With -g it installs in global mode (ie, with -g or --global appended to the command), it installs the current package context (ie, the current working directory) as a global package. -
Then in installing in global I got an permission issue so I used
sudo su
to go to root user and installed it. -
Got is install successfully. Use
if neccessary. -
No check with
ng --version
you will get output like this
creating project
ng new client
I have named our frontend code folder to be client. -
I had got some options while installing for choosing yes/no, I didn't noticed them and ticked yes and choosen CSS for styling. Will check them later.
This will provideyou all the files.
You can see the "client" folder where you can see basic files like
- Basic component called as app.component
- Basic module called as app.module where you will be specifying all the modules which you are going to use across tha pplication as well as components and services
- We have index.html which will be the file rendered at first place to your web browser, which we have specified in out public folder.
Our Folders
We have index.html which is the file that will be rendered at first place.
In our index.html file we have
which will load our app.component.ts -
So basically we will have AppComponent class to be rendered at first place. You can see this class in app/app.component.ts.
You can also see in app.components.ts the selector, templateUrl and Styles and defined.
So, for building angular applicaiton we use typescript language. And this AppComponent class is written in typescript.
Now we have somethings as @ decorator Component(@Component) which tells angular that this very class is a component and we have template url over here which specify the template for our component which is app.component.html and css too.
For running this particular project use
npm start
..... (make sure you are in client folder). -
Also, go can go with
ng serve
too. -
Now go to localhost:4200 and you will see this type of interface Interface may vary according to the version used. I am using 11.2.10
So this is the rendereing process: index.html --->>> app.component.ts --->>> app.component.html --->>> render
I have replaced the app.component.html file's code with the
<h1> {{title}} </h1>
It is getting title from app.component.ts we call it interpolation or one-way data binding. We are binding the value of title with "client". Lets make it "Welcome to Contact List". you will see this output
Notice that we used nodemon in server-side code (express app) for refreshing the changes while it is not required in angular app. It automatically watch for changes and restart the app.
You also notice the ts files, all this ts files are converted to js files and then rendered.
- Now we need a basic component "Contacts" for listing the contacts and other features like a form for adding or button for deleting the contacts.
- For creating components use
ng g component contacts
giving the name of component to be "contacts" - We need a service too. Basically it is considered a good practice to seperate business logic or data retriving or data operations logic in a seperate file which we call as service. Then what we do is inject those services into component wherever necessary. - Add service withng g service contact
a service of name contact- This command generate the service but did not provide the service so if you want to use the service you have to provide it in you @Component(@ Component Decorator) - We have contact.service.ts in app folder where we will be writing our business logic or our data retriving or data operations logic and we will have contact components where we will be creating our template and all the logic.
- So we'll start with creating services so that we can retrive the data first then we'll start with creating contacts.components
- One more thing we need is the schema for our contact so lets make a file contact.ts (ts for typescript);
- Contact.ts we created a schema
export class Contact{ _id?: string; // added ? for optional field first_name: string; last_name: string; phone: string; }
- Here I got the error "Property 'phone' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor." As in latest version of TypeScript the "Strict class initialization".
- Solution:
- Change Version
- Initialize.
- I choose going with option2.
- now code looks like:
export class Contact{ _id?: string; // added ? for optional field first_name: string = ""; last_name: string = ""; phone: string = ""; }
- contact.service.ts
Now we need to import out HTTP module for getting all HTTP methods for retriving data or adding or deleting and all.
While importing Http got another error "Cannot find module '@angular/http' or its corresponding type declarations." So I was following th angular version2 but in angular5 they updated it and I am using angular 11 so that follows the same.
import {HttpClientModule} from '@angular/common/http' import {HttpClient, HttpHeaders} from '@angular/common/http' **instead of HttpModule and Http respectively**
import {HttpClient, HttpHeaders} from '@angular/common/http'
Used HttpClient.
Now we are going to create methods for retriving the contacts and others too.
So we have our services ready, now we'll be using all of this methods into out component and we're gonna use this methods for there functions and finally will do somthing on it like show contacts, adding or deleting.
Dependency Injection: Used in // line 16 in contact.components.the_silver_searcher
- Defination: Dependency Injection is a practice where objects are designed in a manner where they receive instances of the objects from other pieces of code, instead of constructing them internally. This means that any object implementing the interface which is required by the object can be substituted in without changing the code, which simplifies testing, and improves decoupling.
Second thing is you have to provide your service to use it. // line 9
On let us retrive data, we'll be putting out retrieving data logic inside ngOnInit() method which will be initiated once your component is being loaded into your browser so every time you load your component it will automatically call this very particularly method to retrieve all the data.
Now remember we know that the bootstrap component is app.component.html so we need to specify in our app.component.html that this particular component should be loaded so we will go to template app.component.html
- Our map function is showing the vsCode error: Property 'map' does not exist on type 'Observable'
SOLUTION: It is giving an error so I have import map as
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
and used pipe too, other thing is usedres:any
; - In arguments we always have to give type, if we dont know we have to give "any"(contact.service.ts // line 21). So I want to know if it is necessary or it is just vscode error. SOLUTION: Although it is not giving any error but somethimes like in map error res: any is used so better prefer use any.
- Lets create the template and display this very particular data.
- For styling we need to refer to the bootstrap style sheet. Bootswatch
- Downloaded and imported the stylesheet in client/src/index.html
I am encoutering some error:
Error: "Refused to apply style from 'http://localhost:4200/bootstrap.min.css' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled." SOLUTION: instead of
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./bootstrap.min.css">
use<base href="./bootstrap.min.css" >
Error: "ERROR NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(AppModule)[HttpClient -> HttpClient -> HttpClient]: NullInjectorError: No provider for HttpClient!"
SOLUTION: To resolve this problem HttpClient is Angular's mechanism for communicating with a remote server over HTTP. - To make HttpClient available everywhere in the app, - open the root AppModule app/app.module.ts, -import the HttpClientModule from @angular/common/http
- add it to the @NgModule.imports array. -imports:[HttpClientModule, ]
Error: "TypeError: res.json is not a function" SOLUTION: HttpClient.get() applies res.json() automatically and returns Observable<HttpResponse>. You no longer need to call this function yourself. So removed the pipe and map function in getContacts() function in contact.service.ts and also changed the type(datatype) of contacts in contacts.component.ts line 13 to "any" from "Contact[]".
Problem: "I am unable to import my bootstrap.css" SOLUTION: import the bootstrap.css or any other css file in styles.css as
@import './bootstrap.css'
Interpolation {{ }} lets you render the property value as text.
Event binding uses a set of parentheses, ( ), around the event, as in the (submit) event on the
element. -
Going to add delete button for our contact.
Added delete button in contacts.components.html.
Adding delete() method in contacts.components.ts. Also, we have to delete the contact from the array "contacts".
Adding the add Contacts method.
Adding the form. And we gonna use something called as ngModel for two way data binding so whatever changes we gonna make there to firstname or we can say when we take input of first name then our this.firstname variable(param) changes with that.
[] is used for binding the data. you can have more look at this here.
Error: "Can't bind to 'ngModel' since it isn't a known property of 'input'" SOLUTION: In the app.module.ts file, I just added: ``` import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
[...] @NgModule({ imports: [ [...] FormsModule ], [...] }) ```
Error: "error NG8001: 'app-contacts' is not a known element: If 'app-contacts' is an Angular component, then verify that it is part of this module. If 'app-contacts' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message." SOLUTION: Haha, I added the above solution FormModule in declaration. LOL Got it corrected.
Yup, adding contacts is wokring BUT BUT BUT we have to refresh the webpage everytime we add the data, it is happenning because our ngOnInit() method for retrieving the contacts so basically whenever you are retrieving the contacts and displaying it at that very particular time your browser never allows you to block your UI so for that we can put the function call or function defination in addContacts() too.
After having all problem solved got the output as: