A Minecraft Paper plugin that helps you to create miniatures of your builds and makes working with Block Displays easy (Idea by reyzixDE)
Simply download the latest release and drag it into the "plugins" folder of your paper server
Use the selector tool (wooden shovel by default) or the /mposition command to mark the region that you want to miniaturise
Use /mselect to select the region
Use /mscale selection [value] to scale your miniature
Use /mpaste to paste the miniature relative to your position
Use /madjust and the adjuster tool (brush by default) to adjust size and position of your placed miniature
Use /mdelete to remove the placed miniature from your world
Use /mclear to clear your clipboard
Use /mscale miniature [value] to scale a placed miniature
Use /mtools for a overview of all tools and the items they are bound to
Use /msave filename to save your clipboard to a file
Use /mload filename to load a miniature from a file
filename specifies the name of the file without the file extension .mcminiature
The miniature files are located under [yourserver]/plugins/Miniaturise/miniatures