This is a working R compendium (think R package but for reproducible analysis). A good overview on research compendiums, see the R for Reproducible Research course.
git clone
cd arms
open arms.Rproj
Next, if renv
has been used in this repository (look out for
) then use renv::restore
to set up package dependencies.
Otherwise devtools::install_dev_deps()
will install all required
packages, as specified in the Imports in DESCRIPTION.
The structure within analysis is as follows:
R/ # Packaged R functions
├── 01_xxxxx / # analysis scripts used for generating figures
├── plots/ # location of figures produced by the analysis scripts
├── tables/ # location of any tables produced by the analysis scripts
├── data_raw/ # data obtained from elsewhere and treated read-only
├── data_derived/ # intermediate data generated during the analysis
├── data_out/ # data outputs produced for external partners
Any analysis scripts with “X_” in the name are used to format raw data
shared with us for this project that could not be included in the
repository and only summaries of the data as needed for the modelling
could be included. These scripts are still included to show how the raw
data was processed and the summaries saved in data_raw
for use later
on. In this way, we ensure transparency and reproducibility.
Analysis scripts are to be run in the numbered order they are included. If there are shared numbers, then any order of those scripts works.
The files at the URL above will generate the results as found in the publication.
This repository is organized as an R package. There are only a few R
functions exported in this package - the majority of the R code is in
the analysis directory. The R package structure is here to help manage
dependencies, to take advantage of continuous integration, and so we can
keep file and data management simple. For any R packages that are used
frequently in this repository, they are documented in R/
and are used
in the analysis folder using devtools::load_all()
To download the package source as you see it on GitHub, for offline browsing, use this line at the shell prompt (assuming you have Git installed on your computer):
git clone
Once the download is complete, open the arms.Rproj
in RStudio to begin
working with the package and compendium files. We will endeavour to keep
all package dependencies required listed in the DESCRIPTION.
In addition, once analysis is completed, we will use renv
to track
package dependencies for reproducibility. Please use renv::restore
restore the state of the project and see for more
Code: MIT year: 2023, copyright holder: OJ Watson
Data: CC-0 attribution requested in reuse