- 18.02.23 - v0.1 App created and deployment to Google Cloud App Engine setted up
- app.yaml file created for app engine deployment
- 19.02.23 - v0.1 Workflow in Github Actions created to build and deploy app to GCP App Engine
- action.yaml file created
- 20.02.23 - v0.1 Postgres on GCP created
- 22.02.23 - v0.2 Backend finishehed and deployed
- main.py file created in todoSRV
- 23.02.23 - v0.2 Automated tests created and functions tested
- tests/index.ts file created in todoSRV
- 24.02.23 - v0.2 Workflow in Github Actions created to deploy Cloud Functions to GCP
- main.yaml file created in todoSRV
- 12.04.23 - v0.3 Workflow in Github Actions changed to use secrets, because new GCP account used
- 13.04.23 - v0.3 Links to Backend changed
- 16.04.23 - v0.3.1 App now using JWT as Client authorization