Todo app where you can register and login to add your tasks, you can edit your task, mark your task as done, delete your task from list and translate yout task name and description on Ukrainian using Google Translate.
If user is admin ( username: admin, password: 123456), admin can view other users history, like username, list of tasks and history of tasks: when task was done and translated
Deployment to Google Cloud on push both app and cloud functions Automated test of cloud functions with http requests
Just push app to todo repository in main branch , it will be automaticaly builded and deployed
Specify name of function in main.yaml
in field name:
and main.yaml
to todoSRV/main with function written
2. Than create 'app.yaml' file in root directory of project and copy content of 'app.yaml' from this repository in your file
4. Create new application in App engine dashboard , set up your region and language: 'Other', and click "i'll do it later"
5. Download gcloud SDK
6. After instalation, go to your terminal and execute gcloud auth login
to login, login using your email account assigned to your project
7. Deploy app by executing gcloud app deploy --project=[your project id]
, you can find your project id in GCP console, in your project details
Thats it, you can find link to your project in your console.