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Welcome to the MaleficTypes library! This library provides a Union class that allows you to create a union type similar to those in JavaScript. A union type can hold a value of either type A or type B, but not both simultaneously. This class provides utility functions to manage and interact with the values it holds.

πŸ“š Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Union Class Overview
  3. Creating Union Instances
  4. Checking the Held Value Type
  5. Retrieving Values
  6. Equality and Hashing
  7. String Representation
  8. Examples
  9. The Annotation And Plugin
  10. License

πŸ“ Introduction

The MaleficTypes library provides a Union class that allows you to create a union type similar to those in JavaScript. A union type can hold a value of either type A or type B, but not both simultaneously. This class provides utility functions to manage and interact with the values it holds.

πŸ” Union Class Overview

The Union class is a generic class defined as Union<A, B>, where A and B are the types of values it can hold. It ensures that only one of the types is non-null at any time.

class Union<A, B> internal constructor(
    private val first: A? = null,
    private val second: B? = null,
) {
    init {
        require((first == null) xor (second == null)) { "Either must hold exactly one value at a time." }
    // Additional methods...

πŸ› οΈ Creating Union Instances

Using ofFirst

To create a Union instance holding a value of type A, use the ofFirst function:

val unionA: Union<Int, String> = Union.ofFirst(42)

Using ofSecond

To create a Union instance holding a value of type B, use the ofSecond function:

val unionB: Union<Int, String> = Union.ofSecond("Hello")

Using of

To create a Union instance from a value of either type A or B, use the of function. This function uses Kotlin's reified type parameters to determine the type of the value at runtime:

val unionA: Union<Int, String> = Union.of(42)
val unionB: Union = Union.of<Int, String>("Hello")

πŸ” Checking the Held Value Type

You can check which type of value the Union holds using the isFirst and isSecond methods:

if (unionA.isFirst()) {
    println("Union holds a value of type A")

if (unionB.isSecond()) {
    println("Union holds a value of type B")

Additionally, you can use the isType method to check against a specific type:

if (unionA.isType(Int::class)) {
    println("Union holds an Int")

πŸ”„ Retrieving Values

To retrieve the value from the Union, use the getFirst or getSecond methods. These methods will throw an IllegalStateException if the value of the requested type is not present:

val valueA: Int = unionA.getFirst()
val valueB: String = unionB.getSecond()

βš–οΈ Equality and Hashing

The Union class overrides the equals and hashCode methods to provide meaningful equality checks and hash codes based on the held value:

val anotherUnionA: Union<Int, String> = Union.ofFirst(42)
println(unionA == anotherUnionA) // true

println(unionA.hashCode()) // Hash code based on the value 42

πŸ“ String Representation

The Union class provides a toString method that indicates which type the Union holds and its value:

println(unionA.toString()) // Union(first=Integer: 42)
println(unionB.toString()) // Union(second=String: Hello)

πŸ“– Examples

Basic Usage

Here are some examples demonstrating the basic usage of the Union class:

fun main() {
    val union1: Union<Int, String> = Union.ofFirst(100)
    val union2: Union<Int, String> = Union.ofSecond("Kotlin")

    if (union1.isFirst()) {
        println("Union1 holds an Int: ${union1.getFirst()}")

    if (union2.isSecond()) {
        println("Union2 holds a String: ${union2.getSecond()}")

    println(union1) // Output: Union(first=Integer: 100)
    println(union2) // Output: Union(second=String: Kotlin)

Using Union in Functions

You can use Union types as parameters in functions to handle multiple types flexibly. Here are examples using the of method directly in function calls:

fun processUnion(union: Union<Int, String>) {
    when {
        union.isFirst() -> println("Processing Int: ${union.getFirst()}")
        union.isSecond() -> println("Processing String: ${union.getSecond()}")

fun main() {
    processUnion(Union.of(10))    // Output: Processing Int: 10
    processUnion("Hello".toUnion()) // Output: Processing String: Hello

In these examples, Union.of is used directly within the function call, demonstrating how to create and use Union instances without storing them in variables first. You can do the same with the .toUnion() function, converting any type to a union.

Using the Annotation and Plugin for Union Overloads

The MaleficTypes library provides an additional tool to simplify the use of Union types in your functions: the @UnionOverload annotation. When used with the xyz.malefic.types plugin, this annotation automatically generates overloaded versions of your functions for all possible combinations of types in your Union parameters.

This feature is especially useful for library authors who want to expose functions with flexible parameter types without requiring users to interact directly with the Union API.

πŸ”§ The Annotation and Plugin

1. Add the Plugin and Dependencies

In your build.gradle.kts, apply the and xyz.malefic.types plugins:

plugins {
    id("") version "..." //Choose version based on your Kotlin version but make sure to instantiate before the plugin
    id("xyz.malefic.types") version "2.1.1" //Automatically applies the xyz.malefic:types library and xyz.malefic:types-processor through ksp

2. Annotate Your Functions

Add the @UnionOverload annotation to your functions that use Union types as parameters. This will signal the processor to generate overloads for all type combinations.

Example 1: Single Parameter with Union

fun processSingle(value: Union<String, Int>): String =
    when {
        value.isFirst() -> "First: ${value.getFirst()}"
        value.isSecond() -> "Second: ${value.getSecond()}"
        else -> "Invalid"

Example 2: Multiple Parameters with Union

fun processMultiple(
    name: String,
    value: Union<String, Int>,
    scale: Union<Float, Double>,
): String =
    "Name: $name, Value: ${if (value.isFirst()) value.getFirst() else value.getSecond()}, Scale: ${if (scale.isFirst()) {
    } else {

3. Generated Overloads

The plugin will generate overloads for every combination of types in your Union parameters. For the processMultiple example, it would create:

fun processMultiple(name: String, value: String, scale: Float) = 
    processMultiple(name, Union.ofFirst(value), Union.ofFirst(scale))

fun processMultiple(name: String, value: Int, scale: Double) = 
    processMultiple(name, Union.ofSecond(value), Union.ofSecond(scale))

fun processMultiple(name: String, value: String, scale: Double) = 
    processMultiple(name, Union.ofFirst(value), Union.ofSecond(scale))

fun processMultiple(name: String, value: Int, scale: Float) = 
    processMultiple(name, Union.ofSecond(value), Union.ofFirst(scale))

This allows users to call the function with any of these combinations without explicitly creating Union instances or even having the library.

4. Testing the Overloads

To verify the correctness of generated overloads, you can write tests like this:

fun `test single Union parameter overloads`() {
    val result1 = processSingle("Hello") // Calls Union.ofFirst<String, Int>("Hello")
    val result2 = processSingle(42) // Calls Union.ofSecond<String, Int>(42)

    assertEquals("First: Hello", result1)
    assertEquals("Second: 42", result2)

fun `test multiple Union parameter overloads`() {
    val result1 = processMultiple("Test", "StringValue", 1.5f) // Union.ofFirst for both
    val result2 = processMultiple("Test", 42, 2.0) // Union.ofSecond for both
    val result3 = processMultiple("Test", "StringValue", 2.0) // Mixed Union.ofFirst and Union.ofSecond
    val result4 = processMultiple("Test", 42, 1.5f) // Mixed Union.ofSecond and Union.ofFirst

    assertEquals("Name: Test, Value: StringValue, Scale: 1.5", result1)
    assertEquals("Name: Test, Value: 42, Scale: 2.0", result2)
    assertEquals("Name: Test, Value: StringValue, Scale: 2.0", result3)
    assertEquals("Name: Test, Value: 42, Scale: 1.5", result4)

Benefits of Using the Plugin

  • Simplified Function Calls: Users can call your functions directly with standard types (String, Int, etc.) without interacting with Union APIs.
  • Cleaner Library APIs: Reduces boilerplate code and enhances usability for consumers of your library.
  • Flexibility: Supports functions with any number of parameters and mixed Union and non-Union types.

πŸ“œ License

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.