ARCOR stands for Augmented Reality Collaborative Robot. It is a system for simplified programming of collaborative robots based on augmented reality developed by Robo@FIT.
This repository contains the main user interface, Unity-based client application for ARCore-supported tablets: AREditor. The backend part of the solution is available here.
Development is supported by Test-it-off: Robotic offline product testing project (Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic).
With each release, we are building Android apk which can be simply installed on a supported device, which is any ARCore compatible tablet. We use primarily Samsung devices (S6, S7). There are also Linux/Windows binaries, but mainly for testing and debugging purposes (no AR).
These are instructions for developers.
clone this repo
get submodules:
git submodule update --init
create symlink of the submodules to the Assets folder:
cd scripts .\link_submodules.bat
cd scripts ./
download multimedia files from LFS:
git lfs install git lfs pull
get third party assets from Unity AssetStore (extract and copy into Assets/Submodules):
- Lunar Mobile Console (optional)
- Loading screen animation
- Modern UI Pack
- UI Graph
- Joystick Pack
- Native Camera for Android & iOS (only if you want to build Android version)
- Trilib 2 - manually delete folder Trilib/Plugins/NewtonSoft.Json/ otherwise, there will be most likely conflicts
- Simple Collada
- requires to apply patch (/scripts/ColladaImporter.patch and /scripts/StringExtensions.patch) on script ColladaImporter.cs and OrbCreationExtensions/StringExtensions.cs
- SimpleCollada asset must be moved to Assets/Submodule folder in order to patch script works
- on Windows, you can download UnxUtils and use batch file in /scripts/patch_simple_collada_asset.bat (if UnxUtils extracted to "C:\Program Files") or use this command:
path_to_UnxUtils\UnxUtils\usr\local\wbin\patch.exe ..\arcor2_AREditor\Assets\Submodules\SimpleCollada\ColladaImporter.cs -i ColladaImporter.patch path_to_UnxUtils\UnxUtils\usr\local\wbin\patch.exe ..\arcor2_AREditor\Assets\Submodules\SimpleCollada\OrbCreationExtensions\StringExtensions.cs -i StringExtensions.patch
- on Linux, you can use bash script in /scripts/
(Optional) - Get Google Cloud API Key to enable Cloud Anchors (follow step 7 in Codelabs ARCore Extensions tutorial)