Web UI atop services (gtfs / trasnit web service) @see http://opentransittools.com/services
- install python 2.7, along easy_install, zc.buildout ("zc.buildout==1.5.2") and git
- install and pserve http://opentransittools.com/services
- git clone https://github.com/OpenTransitTools/view.git
- cd view
- buildout
- git update-index --assume-unchanged .pydevproject
- rm nohup.out; nohup bin/pserve config/development.ini --reload VIEW=1 &
- http://localhost:33333/stop.html?stop_id=2
- bin/test
- Selenium Test: ott/view/test/pages.html
- Selenium Test: ott/view/test/services.html @see Selenium IDE (Firefox Mac/Win) at http://docs.seleniumhq.org/projects/ide/
update localizations:
- bin/py setup.py extract_messages # (re)generates the .pot template file...run anytime you add a new $_ to your code/templates
- #bin/python setup.py init_catalog -l en # NOTE: only run once ... adds English as a language
- #bin/python setup.py init_catalog -l es # NOTE: only run once ... adds Spanish as a language
- bin/python setup.py update_catalog # updates your localized .po files (those originally created by init_catalog)
- make changes to .pot files
- bin/python setup.py compile_catalog # generates the .mo files