Free Architecture for a Wifi Vending Machine
hardware needed:
- Raspberry pi 3 B / B+
- Ethernet Cable
- 16x2 LCD Screen
- Push button
- Coin acceptor
- 12V 1A Power Source
- Rasberry Pi Power Source
Just follow the hardwareConfig.fzz file
it can be opened using fritzing(just google it)
basic Database querying
Web Programming
Basic to Mid level understanding of Linux Commands and filesystem
Python Programming
basic to mid level in Electronic Components
fresh install raspbian on your raspberry pi 3 B/B+ and update it.
next we will install the hotspot and the captive portal
- install git
apt-get install git
git clone
cd Pi-Hotspot
chmod +x
- setting up the codes
Put the python file "" and "" into the /home/pi directory. and and chmod +x
- clone the Adafruit_Python_CharLCD repository
sudo git clone
- Install mysql cursors
sudo apt install python-pip
sudo pip install PyMySQL
- automate everything. Go to the directory
cd .config/lxsession/LXDE-pi
> sudo nano autostart
- add the following code at the end of the file
- Just locate the following directory
cd /usr/share/nginx/html/daloradius for the daloradius interface
cd /usr/share/nginx/portal/ && sudo leafpad index.html for the webpages