Change settings in file to adapt to your Receiver and Transmitter :
// >>> Input signal modulation (uncomment only one!) <<<
#define PWM_RECEIVER // Enable Pulse Width Modulation receiver
//#define PPM_RECEIVER // Enable Pulse Position Modulation receiver
#define CHANNELS 3 // Override the default 6 channels (PPM max: 8, PWM max: 6)
// >>> Serial-Debug options for troubleshooting <<<
//#define SERIAL_DEBUG // Enable Serial Debug by uncommenting this line
//#define SERIAL_SPD 115200 // Set debug bitrate between 9600-115200 bps (default: 9600)
// >>> Calibration settings <<<
#define CAL_CHANNEL 2 // Set which channel can trigger calibration on boot (default: 3 or 1)
//#define CAL_TIMEOUT 7000 // Custom delay in milliseconds to auto-accept calibration data (default: 5000)
//#define CAL_DISABLE // Uncommenting this line causes the calibration to be disabled *
// (* when calibration disabled, do not forget to set stick center and halfway below!)