Simple game model generator for a game called Coins. It is a variation of NIM game. Two players take turns taking 1 or 2 coins from pile of N coins. First one without coins to take loses.
You can use attached .jar file, with parameter N as number of coins. java -jar coin_model_generator.jar N
PS C:\Users\DSS> java -jar coin_model_generator.jar 6
/----- BOB-0 (+1;-1) /----- ALICE-2 | \----- BOB-1 | \----- ALICE-0 (-1;+1) /----- BOB-4 | | /----- BOB-1 | | | \----- ALICE-0 (-1;+1) | \----- ALICE-3 | | /----- ALICE-0 (-1;+1) | \----- BOB-2 | \----- ALICE-1 | \----- BOB-0 (+1;-1) ALICE-6 | /----- BOB-1 | | \----- ALICE-0 (-1;+1) | /----- ALICE-3 | | | /----- ALICE-0 (-1;+1) | | \----- BOB-2 | | \----- ALICE-1 | | \----- BOB-0 (+1;-1) \----- BOB-5 | /----- ALICE-0 (-1;+1) | /----- BOB-2 | | \----- ALICE-1 | | \----- BOB-0 (+1;-1) \----- ALICE-4 | /----- ALICE-1 | | \----- BOB-0 (+1;-1) \----- BOB-3 | /----- BOB-0 (+1;-1) \----- ALICE-2 \----- BOB-1 \----- ALICE-0 (-1;+1)