The goal of Baldur is to shine light on your proteomics data. Baldur is a hierarchical Bayesian model that uses an empirical Bayes method to estimate hyperparamters for the variance and measurement specific uncertainty. It then estimates the posterior of the difference in means between different conditions for each peptide/protein/PTM. Finally, it integrates the posterior to estimate the probability of error.
You can install the development version of baldur
from this github or
the stable version from CRAN. Importantly, you first need to follow the
instructions for installing rstan and make
sure that is working. Then you can install baldur
For the stable release please install from CRAN:
Or you can install the developmental version of baldur
from this
devtools::install_github('PhilipBerg/baldur', build_vignettes = T)
Note that Ubuntu operating systems can require pandoc to compile the vignettes.
For Windows, the developmental version of rstan
is sometimes needed to
install baldur
Please see the vignettes for examples
Berg, Philip, and George Popescu. “Baldur: Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling for Label-Free Proteomics with Gamma Regressing Mean-Variance Trends” Molecular & Cellular Proteomics (2023): 2023-12.