cyber2d / Module
Go to and download the latest version.
Download the .exe file from the 2 links below: and
If you are not familiar with git, I suggest you to install TortoiseGit which is a convenient software to use.
Download and install Visual Studio Code.
Download and install nodejs
To double-check that npm has installed. Write npm in a console. It should display something like below.
- Clone the repository
- Make sure you are up-to-date with master branch
- In a console of the root project run the following line
- npm i
- npm run start
- The console should show you a link - usually http://localhost:1234/. In a browser use this link to see the game.
- You are ready! You can now use Visual Studio code to make your change. When you save your changes, the browser page automatically refreshes so you can see and debug your work.
First of all make sure TortoiseGit is correctly installed. The quickest way to check it is to right click on your file explorer and see if TortoiseGit is on the menu.
On this menu, click on ''Git Clone''. You should see a menu like the image below. Make sure the URL is and choose the directory to download the repository. Press OK then.
Once all files have been download, the project is ready to be used. The root folder should look like the image below.
Open a console in the root folder. One of the quickest way is to write cmd in the path text box.
In this console, write then run npm i and wait for the initialisation of the game. This will install everything you need to run the game. You won't need to do that again.
Once the initialization is done, write and run npm run start. Use the localhost link given in the console in a browser to see the game. The link is usually http://localhost:1234/.