A simple bot with a built-in Minecraft chat that you can chat with in real time and some commands. this bot was created especially for my 2b2t.com.ar server but I have decided to make it open source.
1: Make sure you have Node.js v18.7 or higher, including npm. If you don't have it installed, you can install it at https://nodejs.org, and Git (optional for cloning repositories)
2: Open the terminal or command line of your choice.
3: Run the command git clone https://github.com/PistonCube/AnarchyDevBot
Or, click on the green "Code" button that has the download icon and click on "Download ZIP".
4: After the repository is cloned or downloaded to your disk, run cd AnarchyDevBot
5: You'll need to install dependencies first, run npm i or npm install
6: after you have everything downloaded and installed you have to configure everything from (./config.json)
7: After it is installed, run npm start or node index.js
and now to enjoy the bot, please if you are going to use the bot do not pass it off as you created it, it took a long time to create it and I would appreciate it if you did not do that
Remember that this bot is not 100% finished, so it will be modified every so often. Remember that if you want to contribute something to this Bot, you can send it to my discord:
Prefix+coords - gives its coordinates | Prefix+sleepo - tells you if you can sleep | Prefix+time - tell the time | Prefix+kill - kills |
Prefix+tps - gives the tps of the server | Prefix+say - say what you want | and many more commands that will be implemented
any errors feel free to create a pull request