A simple game inspired by a board game known to pretty much everyone.
Build the project with gradle. Artifact in the desktop subproject should be runnable.
Do not run this code with any kind of privileges, it might (and probably does) contain security vulnerabilities.
Command line options:
--fps Adds fps overlay to the client
--ip <ip> IP of the server (only used in client)
--network-activity Adds network activity overlay to the client
--port <port> Port of the server
--server Headless server mode
--windowed Start game in window
Chest icons created by Smashicons - Flaticon
Thunder icons created by Vectors Market - Flaticon
Policeman icons created by Roundicons - Flaticon
Money icons created by Dimitry Miroliubov - Flaticon
Jail icons created by Flat Icons - Flaticon
Diamond icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Car icons created by Vectors Market - Flaticon
Start icons created by Freepik - Flaticon